Where We Stand: Defending Women’s Rights against Global Suppression of their Voices

In December 2022, Soroptimist International’s (SI) Board members approved a new position paper, which was authored by SI’s Global Policy Team, on the critical importance of ‘Defending Women’s Rights Against Global Suppression of their Voices’.

Despite the international resolutions and declarations that promise the advancement of gender equality, the world is currently witnessing an unprecedented paradox. Many countries and Governments are not only failing to uphold their commitments to women and girls, but they are actively working to reverse them. This reality has resulted in an alarming number of women and girls experiencing outright denial of their basic human rights; their visions ignored, their voices of protest suppressed, and in some cases, even brutally silenced.

Soroptimist International’s Call To Action

At SI, we have first-hand experience of women and girls acting as positive agents of change in their communities and regions. We know societies that choose to protect and promote the rights of all women and girls, and empower them economically and politically, are more stable, peaceful, and prosperous.

SI therefore urges all countries and Governments to remain committed to accelerating the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, especially in relation to the empowerment of women and girls.

As we now gear up for the 67th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67), which will take place from 6 to 17 March 2023, we invite Soroptimists across all five Federations to continue advocating for the rights of women and girls around the world to be respected, protected, and fulfilled at all levels and in all areas of life.

This year’s theme for CSW is innovation, technological change, and education in the digital age for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls; in 2023, SI President Maureen Macguire will lead our delegation of virtual and in-person participants.

It is important to note that defending women and girls against the relentless global suppression of their voices requires collective action. Therefore, SI invites all individuals, groups, and organizations to join them in this critical endeavor. Together, we can ensure that the voices of all women and girls are respected, protected, and fulfilled at all levels and in all areas of life.

Look out for further announcements on how you can register and join in!

You can learn all about SI’s position on this and other issues by checking out the ‘Where We Stand Position Papers on our website.

Defending Women’s Rights against Global Suppression of their Voices

Together we will continue to defend women and girls against the relentless global suppression of their voices.

1 comment

  1. Dr Janerose Kaithi,Charter President,SI,Shikilia eClub,Kenya 2 years ago 1 March 2023

    Over the decades women have been marginalised globally.In Kenya women still struggling to have their voices heard at the political arena and in all decision.making organs.All efforts to have the 2/3 gender rule implemented have failed .As SI we stand with the Kenya women and all women trying to have their voices heard globally.We rise against the global suppression of women voices.
    Women play a key role as mentors, educators and in development hence the need to enhance their full participation in all spheres of development.


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