Ann Garvie, International President
within a safe, caring and trouble free environment is a basic human right,
regardless of race, social class, intellectual ability or economic empowerment.
Yet at every level of civil society, globally, violence
against women is perpetrated. 365 days a year, 7 days per week, 24 hours a day, every minute of every day.
"Today is The United
Nation’s day of the Elimination of Violence Against Women, the first day of 16 days of action, which takes in World Aids Day, 1 December and culminates with Human Rights Day on 10
"This infringement
to our basic human right is an indictment on civil society which claims, every
year, millions of victims from murder, mutilation, disfigurement and emotional destruction.
“We can’t
break down barriers for women and girls….. Without breaking down barriers for
men and boys.
"So perhaps it is now that we should focus and
reflect on the launch of Soroptimist International’s Blue is the New Pink. The success
of the launch of this initiative was evident by its adoption,
showcased by UN Women at its convention in New York this autumn; with the men
selected by Soroptimist International invited to give a presentation
to UN Women.
"This herald’s a turning point; the elimination of Violence Against
Women cannot be achieved without embracing men & boys. The White Ribbon
Campaign in the UK and elsewhere, calls on all men to make a pledge to never commit, condone or
remain silent about violence and abuse. How can any Soroptimist or any member of civil society condone
this atrocity? Soroptimists
at all levels of the organisation, Club, Region, Union, Federation and
internationally, must take a stand to STOP
against women knows no boundaries, cultures, social class, economic or
educational status. Members of
Soroptimist International must continue to raise awareness against gender
violence through advocacy, education and action. This date
marks the brutal assassination in 1960, 56 years ago of the three Mirabel
sisters, political activists in the Dominican Republic.This year, the United Nations Secretary-General’s Campaign UNiTE to End Violence against Women invites you to ‘Orange YOUR Neighbourhood.’
Take the UNiTE campaign to local streets, shops and businesses, and
organize “Orange Events” in your own neighbourhoods between 25 November
and 10 December 2014.
Photo: click on the image to go to UNiTE toolkit
"This is an
opportunity for Soroptimists worldwide to globalise and demand action from
their governments and civil society to stop Violence Against Women, globally.
"What is your
Club going to do locally? What is your Club going to do at a Regional, National and
on an International level to raise the profile of this scourge against civil
society? We must act. We must act to eliminate violence against women and report the actions taken and our advocacy work.
"As mothers,
grandmothers, aunts, sisters and daughters we must embrace all of the men and
boys within our family circle. Empower them to strive for zero
violence in partnership with every women in their lives. Respect and tolerance
for every human being must be achieved within all of our communities and
Wear Orange and Orange YOUR neighbourhood! Send us you pictures here.
‘any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to
result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women,
including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of
liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life.’
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
,48/104. Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women
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