90000 Voices for Women's Rights: Human Rights Day 2012

Women are still deprived of their human rights in so many places: denied an education, safe childbirth, a life free of violence
.  SI continues to fight for human rights for all at grassroots, national and international level – standing up for Malala and girls’ education, improving healthcare for women in Papua New Guinea, representing the voices of women at the UN and more. 

We are stronger if we work together – with one voice we can feel powerless but as 90000 voices, we can make a difference.

SI President Alice Wells, Human Rights Day, December 10 2012  

Soroptimists around the world are marking Human Rights Day today, speaking up for those who are denied their basic rights, particularly women and girls.  December 10 is the anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, setting out a broad range of fundamental human rights and freedoms to which all men and women, everywhere in the world, are entitled, without any distinction.

This year, the spotlight is on the rights of all people — women, youth, minorities, persons with disabilities, indigenous people, the poor and marginalized — to make their voices heard in public life and be included in political decision-making.

Each December 10, the Soroptimist International  President invites all Soroptimists to join her in supporting a project that helps to promotes the rights of women around the world.  This year, President Alice Wells has adopted the Birthing in the Pacific project for a second year. This project, initiated by SI’s South West Pacific Region, aims to reduce maternal mortality in Papua New Guinea by educating and equipping birth attendants including midwives, Community Health Workers and Village Birth Attendants.  Read more about Birthing in the Pacific.

More Information

Message from Ban-Ki Moon, UN Secretary General

UN Human Rights Day Website

Universal Declaration of Human Rights



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