Running for Peace in Rwanda – 9th Soroptimist Peace Marathon

The Soroptimist Peace Marathon in Kigali, Rwanda, aims to promote unity, understanding and tolerance, bringing together competitors from Rwanda and abroad.  In this week’s blog, Leena Viitaniemi, Soroptimist International of Europe Vice-President responsible for the Peace Marathon, writes about the 9th Marathon, which took place in May 2013. Leena is a member of SI Tampere in Finland. A physiotherapist by profession, she has been a Soroptimist for 28 years.

Luxemburgian Soroptimist Bettina Scholl Sabatini, former SIE Vice President was open-minded and far-sighted woman. Her initiative was to set up the Marathon in Kigali, Rwanda. It happened on the 11th anniversary of the Rwanda Genocide in 2005, when people in the whole country were still deeply depressed.

Her idea was that Rwanda would host a sporting event in the name of peace and and reconcilation. This event would have three effects: Rwandans would compete peacefully in sport events together with foreign runners; it would encourage people to travel to Rwanda and thus help the country economically and the Soroptimist orgnization would gain publicity through media in Rwanda and other parts of the world.

The theme of the Marathon this year was very timely: sport as a pillar for peace and development. It was organised by Rwanda Athletics Federation  with the Ministry of Sports and Culture of Rwanda, Rwandan Athletics Executive Committee, Soroptimist International of Europe and Technical Committee RAF. The Marathon was acknowledged by the Association of International Marathon and Long Distant Races. The events took place over two days: the kids’ race on 18th May and half- marathon, marathon and fun run on 19th May.

This was my second time to be there as a representative of  SIE.  The Soroptimist contact person was again Luxemburgian Governor Guida Biever. Her contribution to this event is very important. Without her knowledge  and efforts and her Luxemburgian team,  our work there would be very difficult and tricky. Soroptimist Zaverine Nivemutoni from Kigali Club was the local Soroptimist representive. Also Vice-President Asha Abdulrahman from Kenya and I worked there before and during the events.

The Peace Torch made a very fine beginning to the event. It was officially lit at Gisoni Memorial site brought to Amahoro Stadium, where it was handed over  to the Ministry of Sports and Culture Mitali K. Protais. The Torch was carried by many stakeholders. I had the great honour of carrying it as a representative of Soroptimists, leading a big group of Soroptimists. Tens of soroptimists had yellow shirts and there were also hundreds of other people behind us. I handed over  the Torch in the front of Stadium to the President of Rwandan Athletics Federation, Me Jean Nkezabone. There were also lot of representatives of different media. It was an unforgettable moment for me and  for every Soroptimist there.

The colours of the Rwandan flag are yellow, blue and green. Every runner`s shirt was one of these colours. It looked very effective.

About 420 chidren aged 8-12 took part in the Children’s Run, boys and girls from10 different areas. Teachers had elected the runners many months before. Many more children would have liked to compete. The teachers elected children who had not been in this happening before, and who were eager and willing to train and take part in this happening.

The children were so eager to start running that  the start had to be taken twice! It was great to see the enthusiasm of the little athletes. This was the best reward for us, who had arranging the event. The German Soroptimist Union and some donors from Luxemburgian and Finnish Union and Clubs had given prizes for the children. More than 10 best in every category received a gift. There were teddy bears, school bags, writing books, pens, mathematical sets, caps, t-shirts and angry-bird-toys.

At the Awards Ceremony I gave a little speech giving greetings from our organization. Sport Minister, President of Rwandan Athletics, Guida Biewer, AshaAbdulrahman and I gave the prizes to the children. It was wonderful day and a great pleasure to have this experience and see the happy faces of Rwandan running children.

For the International Soroptimist Peace Marathon, there were 1039 runners from different countries. The weather was sunny, so we started early at 7am. Water had to be distributed during the runs.Soroptimists took care of the distributions of water, bicuits and bananas.

Every full marathon runner was given a marathon medal by Guida, Asha , Luxemburgians and me. There were also the Award Ceremonies to the three winners in every categories.The medals and  money  prizes were given by the Sport Minister and local sport leaders. After the ceremonies we saw the high quality presentations of Rwandan athletes.

During these days, I was able to dicuss Soroptimist International with the Rwandan senior sport leaders.They were really interested in our organization and work. There was also a Soroptimist Tent where local Soroptimists sold their products, told people about their projects and our organisation.

The 9th Soroptimist Peace Marathon was a great experience for me again and I am so happy and  proud to be Soroptimist.




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