Soroptimist International Friendship Day: October 3rd

Today is Soroptimist International’s Club Friendship Day,
celebrating the day that the very first Soroptimist Club was established in Oakland,
California in 1921. Together, across
continents and cultures, Soroptimists transform the lives of women and girls in
need through local and international projects, friendship links with other
clubs, and partnerships with local organisations that support the same vision as
Soroptimist International.

Soroptimist International is committed to global
co-operation. To further this
aim, members of SI establish "Friendship
Links" with clubs in different countries. Soroptimists also offer “Friendship Grants” which allow
members to apply for funding to visit each other and
see, firsthand, their friendship links in action (visit our events page for
more details!). This programme encourages the development
of co-operation, through networking, and participation in programmes which
increase knowledge and understanding of different cultures
and life-styles. Above all, it is a way of strengthening friendships throughout the world, bringing Soroptimists together to increase impact!


Soroptimists at the International Convention, Montreal, 2011 (above)

Sarvina Kang, SI Cambodia, with Soroptimists from
Switzerland who enabled her to attend an international conference in
Zurich (left). Members of SI La Quinta Coachella, SIA, and three other local
clubs celebrate the Violet Richardson and Women’s Opportunity Awards (right).

Actions taken in the name of friendship range from annual
gatherings, the funding of ‘Grants of Friendship’, financial support of projects and the meeting local needs  – whatever they may be! Here are some recent examples of friendship actions taken in celebration of friendship both in October 3rd and throughout the year…

SI Barnstable, UK, have a friendship link with SI Bulawayo
in Zimbabwe. SI
Barnstaple has been financially supporting their friendship link club
since the economic problems in Zimbabwe
began, enabling the club to donate more money to local education projects.

SI Brande in Denmark
have a friendship link with SI Eldoret, Kenya.
A donation from the Danish Soroptimists went towards the funding of a 3,000
litre water tank for a school with a limited water supply.

SI Le Léman (France) have invited their Swiss friendship link club to a
dinner every year for the past 20 years!  This year, the French and Swiss
clubs of the Léman basin shared a delicious diner where they enjoyed the region’s
dish and cemented their friendship for another year.

SI Neath (UK) worked with their friendship links SI
Targoviste (Romania)
and SI Eugene (USA)
to raise funds to build a new toilet block for a school in Romania.

This will enable
students of the school to access clean, hygienic toilet facilities
dignity, privacy and safety to afford them that very basic human right and
enhance their experience of attending an educational establishment.
”  – SI Neath

Altogether, $3000 USD was raised!

SI Israel with SI Nigeria (left) and SI Iceland (right)

Promoting local friendships and partnerships is another way in which
Soroptimists celebrate Friendship Day. Building local links is something
Soroptimists love to do, as these club activities show…

Working with local schools, SI Nokia, Finland,
held a friendship photo contest for school children aged 14 to 16 to promote
friendship among young people as a means of preventing alienation and promoting
community spirit within schools.

SI Keighley, UK,
promote community cohesion and friendship through their project with a local
primary school. Mothers are invited to attend sessions suggested by the
participants, such as cooking or crafts, to encourage community cohesion in the
Keighley community. The project seeks to help those with English as a second or
third language to develop their conversational language skills, and develop confidence and
friendship links locally.

SI Torrens, Australia, in partnership with Guides South
Australia assisted the presentation of a leadership course, “Girls on Track for
Life” to 35 primary school girls at two schools in economically & socially
disadvantaged areas. The girls grew in confidence and were proud to report
their achievements each session. Their group friendship blossomed and they
supported each other more readily. Linking locally can also be a great way to
build on project success and expand outreach, as SI Torrens found:

“Our club and Guides
SA both benefitted from our involvement and the Guides are keen to continue
working with us… We have begun our work in the next school term and are
discussing possible joint involvement in a leadership seminar for young women
next yea

SI Laguna Beach, SIA, held a friendship dinner for 70 local
homeless people in their community. The Friendship Shelter is a local shelter
for homeless people that are transitioning back into the work force. $1000 was
raised to help the shelter meet its costs.

SI Mito, Japan, provided scholarships for two women exchange
students from Asia who studied in the local community
and who were struggling financially. This project was started to celebrate the
35th anniversary of the Club and to build bridges of friendship
between Japan
and other Asian countries.

As these examples demonstrate, Soroptimists are working in a number of ways to promote the
spirit of Friendship Day on October 3rd and all year round. Click here to read International President Alice’s message to Clubs on Friendship Day 2011.




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