SI Film: "Educate to Lead – A Fairy Tale Story"

Soroptimist International is delighted to launch ‘Educate to Lead – A Fairy Tale Story’.

Launched at the Soroptimist International of Great Britain and Ireland conference in Brighton last week, the film is designed to raise awareness of the SI global focus, education and leadership, and provide the perfect tool to introduce the issue to clubs and partners around the world.


To visit the You Tube link, click here.  Please do share with your networks and club members!

Our new focus, Educate to Lead, is an international collaboration of
Soroptimist members in all federations working to raise the status and
improve the lives of women and girls. Together, we will work towards our
chosen common goal to improve the status of women and girls through
education and leadership. Together, we will undertake activities that
ensure a meaningful, sustainable, and powerful global impact.

The collective impact of worldwide Soroptimist support
for education and leadership will help us achieve our mission of creating opportunities to
transform the lives of the women and girls we serve.

For more information about SI’s focus on education and leadership, visit the dedicated ‘Educate to Lead’ project page.



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