Charter Ceremony in Benin

The first SoroptiVoice Blog of 2012 comes from Herta
Kaschitz, Governor of the Austrian Union. We received her report a little while ago but kept it for today as we thought this would be an inspiring way to start the 2012 blog series! Many thanks to Herta for her report. Remember, if you would like to share a story or experience through the SoroptiVoice blog, please contact and we will give you a slot! Happy New Year!

I had only just started my new function as
Governor of the Austrian Union, when the SI/E President Kathy Kaaf called me to
ask me to represent her at the Charter ceremonies for a new Club in Benin, West Africa. I had the great
honor to present the Charter to the Club Calavi Colombe, a goup of 24
dynamic and very committed women. This is the 6th Club in Benin! After
the Constitutive Assembly, over which I had to preside, an “interclub meeting”
was held, which was attended by members of the new Club, as well as the other Clubs
in Benin. The purpose of it was to explain in-depth the principles of
Soroptimist International and to have a very lively question and answer


The charter ceremony was held in the Convention Center of Cotonou with
about 300 guests. I shall never forget the colourful picture of the new Soroptimists
in their pretty Soroptimist dresses and headgear, the solemn moment when each
one of them spoke the Soroptimist pledge and the ceremony of putting the
Soroptimist pins on their dresses. After the opulent dinner and the cutting of
the cake, we danced African dances till early morning. A great party and celebration!

During my short stay in Benin, I had the
opportunity to visit projects of four other Clubs: a center for street
children, which receives financing from the Club Amazone; an artesian well, the construction of which was financed by the Club Sika-Or; a
drawing well in a remote village on the Nigerian border financed by the Club
La Gazelle.


The most moving moment for me was that I had the honor to lay
the foundation stone for a maternity clinic in a village near Cotonou. I shall
never forget the drum roll, the dances and chants by women and children, the
expression of joy and gratitude by the village elders. The project, which will cost about Є60,000, will be financed by the founder club of Benin, the Club
Doyen. Needless to say, that a lot of fundraising and help from other Clubs
in the Federation will be necessary to meet this goal!




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