Soroptimists worldwide say Enough is Enough on International Women's Day

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Soroptimist International clubs around the world are taking part in a global day of action to call for an end to violence against women on International Women’s Day, March 8.  SI clubs in many countries around the world, including Australia, India, Nepal, the Netherlands, Pakistan, Philippines, Sierra Leone,  Sri Lanka, UK and USA, will be taking part.

Calling on Soroptimists to get involved, Talat Pasha, Federation Programme Action Chair for SI in Pakistan said: "Millions of women are facing increasing levels of violence just for basic human rights.  Unfortunately in some countries, it is now a fight for survival.  Violence against women has become uncontrolled and is touching alarming proportions. It is time for us to stand united to raise our voices against this violence."

One in three women worldwide will be raped, beaten or otherwise abused in her lifetime, according to the World Health Organisation. Violence against women and girls is a worldwide problem that affects people of all nationalities, faiths and economic backgrounds. It takes many forms, from domestic abuse, human trafficking and sexual exploitation, the use of rape as a weapon of war.  You can read some of the human stories behind the statistics in our case studies.

Strong commitment from Governments is essential if gender-violence is to be eliminated, and SI delegates are currently lobbying hard at CSW57 to promote this. We need to let our Governments know that the eyes of the world is on them: we want firm conclusions that result in real action. 

But ending the violence isn’t just the responsibility of Governments; every woman, man, boy and girl across the globe has a part to play. We can only end violence against women by changing society, relationships and the underlying factors that allow it to continue. We all have a role in raising awareness in our communities, changing attitudes and supporting grassroots action.  

UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet has also called for action on ending violence against women in in her message for International Women’s Day. You can also watch Michelle Bachelet’s video message here.

More information

Read more about violence against women.

Images: (above) CSW delegation in NY, (right) SI Karachi Central (Pakistan).



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