The Soroptimist International Board Meeting in Cambridge – a First-timer's view


This week’s SoroptiVoice blog comes from Caroline Leach, who succeeded Anusha Santhirasthipam as   SI’s International Assistant Programme Director this month. Caroline has been a member of SI Riverside in California, USA, for 25 years and has undertaken many roles at Club and Regional level. In her professional life, she has worked in senior management and executive roles in the petroleum industry and is currently Managing Member of Desert Pacific Oil, LLC, a women-owned business. However, her passions are public service, at-risk youth intervention and domestic violence awareness. In addition to her Soroptimist activities, she has worked with Riverside Area Rape Crisis Centre, YWCA and Riverside County Commission for Women.

In this blog, she writes about her first experience of attending a Soroptimist International Board meeting in Cambridge.

I am so proud and honored to be the International Assistant Program Director for this new biennium under the direction of Hilary Ratcliffe, our International Program Director.  In this capacity, I attended the annual board of directors meeting August 17-19, 2013 held at Lucy Cavendish College in Cambridge, UK.  The opportunity to observe and learn some of the inner workings of the Soroptimist International Board of Directors with President Alice Wells (now Immediate Past SI President) and SI President Elect Ann Garvie (now President Ann) was priceless. 

SI Staff members have asked me to give my impression of the board meeting as a first time attendee.  First, let me say the days were long, and at times it appeared as if the only emotion in the room was frustration.  Notwithstanding the struggles and stress the board endured to get on common ground, this SI board meeting was truly historical and each and every Soroptimist in the world should be proud of the direction this board is taking the organization and should further be appreciative of the long and tiring hours of the board members and special committee members.

Having never been to an international board meeting before, I was not sure what I would be getting myself into.  The college is one of 31 colleges of Cambridge University  located in a beautiful setting and just had the look of a small quaint college.  It felt like my first day of high school.  The feelings of awe, intimidation and “Oh my goodness, do I even belong among these amazing women”.  The first night I was introduced to the SI Program Team.  What a dynamic group of women!  Here in the room are successful business women who have worked hard to lead their clubs, regions, unions, and now federations. 

Each federation delegation, includes the immediate past president, president and president elect.  These delegates are the voting members.  Sitting behind the voting members are three experts, there to advise the voting members, one of whom is the Executive Director of the respective federation.  The SI President, SI President Elect, Treasurer, and now the International Program Director (IPD) are officers of the organization but not voting members.

It is imperative that the SI Board members represent the organization as a whole and not their federation.  This point was reiterated many times and could get a bit confusing since each member wants to look out for their own Federation’s best interest.  Any Soroptimist member who has served on their club board understands the politics associated with running a board.  Now multiply that by a 1000% plus, this is the political atmosphere these dedicated women are working with.

 It was really interesting to watch and listen to the completely different leadership styles of SI immediate Past President Alice and SI President Ann.  SI Immediate Past President Alice had the perfect inclusive, professional style with the positive attitude to bring together in harmony, a board that was a bit divided a few years back.  SI President Ann exhibits a tough, no nonsense, get it done on time approach.  The timing of this style is perfect to move us all forward. With the changing dynamics in the world, Soroptimist International and the club members have got to change as well to remain an organization making a difference to women and girls.  To help facilitate all the work that needs to be done, we as Soroptimists are so fortunate to have the incredible staff in SI Headquarters.  They truly do an incredible job.

At one point, we were asked to explain how we became a Soroptimist and why we remained one. A common theme spoken was that the current member had been invited by a friend or family member.  It was not surprising to hear it was attending a conference either at the region, union, federation or international level that fired their passion for Soroptimist and that passion became the cornerstone to their commitment. It is my personal wish that all Soroptimist members around the globe have an opportunity to attend an event outside of their club and gain the knowledge and passion for belonging to global organization with a global voice for women and girls. 

In the event a member of Soroptimist is invited or nudged into serving on any board or committee, I would advise them to embrace the learning experience.  Soroptimist International opens so many doors, one of those doors just maybe to an International Board meeting in Cambridge.




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