Soroptimist UN Representatives: Making our Voice Heard

SI Assistant Programme Director Caroline Leach 

October 24 is United Nations
Day. In this SoroptiVoice blog, Soroptimist International Assistant Programme Director Caroline Leach writes about the work of SI’s UN Representatives, volunteers who ensure that the voices of 80,000 Soroptimists are heard at the major UN Centres.

I am proud and honored to be a
member of the Soroptimist International movement in making a difference for
women and girls.  Personally we do what
we can to promote, uphold and defend the ideals of Soroptimist.  At club level, we work together with our
sisters to raise funds and/or complete multiple projects in our local
communities.  For some Soroptimist their
activities they are actively engaged in end there at the local level.  For others, their excitement and passion
reach the regional, federal, union and international level.  Whether we limit our interest to our local club
or decide to become familiar and involved internationally, we all enjoy the
same privilege of having our voices heard at the United Nations.

Soroptimist International has UN
representatives at the 6 UN centers. 

New York reps Paulette and Lois with UN Women Head Phumzile Mlambo Ngcku

NY Reps Paulette and Lois with Exec Director of UN Women Phumzile Mlambo Ngcuka

New York:  Lois Beilin; Caroline Themm; Yoko Komori
Olson; Bette Levy; Paulette Forbes Igharo; Luciana Marulli.

Wilfrida Hendrickx; Sina Stiffler; Sabine Kinzer.

Vienna:  Dora Vrdlovec;
Martina Gredler; Roswitha Benesch (pictured above with SI President Ann Garvie)
Marie Christine Gries de la
Barbelais; Rina Dupriet; Evelyn Para.
 Cinzia Palmi.

Nairobi UN Reps Alice and Rose 

Nairobi:  Alice Odingo; Rose
Mwangi (Pictured above). 

These amazing women are
attending meetings, lobbying decision makers and making sure Soroptimist
International is not missing out on any opportunity to be seen or heard.   The
hours are countless and the passion the women have for Soroptimist is

It is our collected efforts through
program/ projects that gives the quantitative data necessary to maintain our consultative
status with the United Nations.  Yet, it
is the UN representatives that ensure our voices are heard and give meaning to
the data.  Thank you to each and every
one our dedicated hard working UN Representatives.

Read more information about our UN Reps and
the work they do





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