See Solar, Cook Solar: President's Appeal Launch

Soroptimist project to provide solar lanterns/chargers in Kenya 

“Sustainable energy—energy that is accessible, cleaner and more efficient—powers opportunity. It grows economies. It lights up homes, schools and hospitals. It empowers women and local communities. And it paves a path out of poverty to greater prosperity for all.”  – UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon’s Sustainability for All initiative

Every year, on Human Rights Day (December 10), the President of Soroptimist International invites all Soroptimists to join her in supporting a project that improves the lives of women and girls through access to education and leadership opportunities. 

For 2013-2015, President Ann Garvie is launching the See Solar, Cook Solar appeal, which will support Soroptimist projects all over the world providing education and solar solutions to women. 

“Can you imagine finding time to earn your living if you had to
spend hours every day collecting firewood?  Or how you would study with
no electric light in the evening?",
asked President Ann in her introduction to the Appeal. "One quarter of the world’s population
do not have reliable access to electricity; 70% of these are women and
girls living in developing countries.” 

Read President Ann’s full message.

Read more about the See Solar, Cook Solar Appeal


Action Ideas for December 10


Why not raise awareness and understanding of sustainability, energy poverty and solar energy on December 10?

  • Organise a “See Solar, Cook Solar” quiz evening to test your knowledge!  Click here to download some See Solar, Cook Solar Quiz questions.  You can download the answers here.
  • “Lights out” for December 10 – get a taste of what it’s like for the 2.4 billion people who do not have access to reliable electricity by committing to go mains-free for a day, an evening, a club meeting… you could ask for sponsorship or donate the money that you’d have spent on electricity to the Appeal.

Glen Oeppen,
Programme Action Chair

at SI Newcastle
& District (UK) prepared this excellent See Solar, Cook Solar Advent Calendar for her club, a way for members to raise funds for the appeal and take stock of how much we take reliable electricity supply for granted. Thanks to Glen for allowing us to share this – any SI clubs are welcome to use this or adapt the idea to suit their members.

You could also celebrate the success of President Alice’s 2011-13 Birthing in Pacific Appeal to reduce maternal mortality in Papua New Guinea by training and equipping birth attendants. .

    Top image: SI Eldoret (Kenya) project supported by SI Denmark to provide solar chargers, lanterns and cookers, winner of one of SIE’s 2013 Best Practice Awards – more about the Kenya/Denmark solar project.





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