Project of Excellence: Soroptimist Encouraging Women and Teens (USA)

SEW project - art class 

Continuing with our celebration of  Projects of Excellence from the Global Impact Report, in this week’s Soroptivoice blog, Arlene Vilas of SI of Ceres (USA) writes about her club’s S.E.W. project (Soroptimist Encouraging Women).  Originally aimed at increasing the skills and confidence of women recovering from addiction, the scheme is now being expanded to cover teenaged girls, in partnership with local schools. 

We chose this project after listening
to a guest speaker from a local recovery facility for addictions. It was
apparent that our club could be instrumental in educating, empowering, and
enriching these ladies’ lives. Our focus was to be positive role models and to
provide information, hope, and renewed confidence for their future. The project
name? S.E.W. (Soroptimist Encouraging Women).

As Soroptimists,
we lead workshops in building self esteem, obtaining a job, workplace &
phone etiquette, job resumes, effective parenting, floral arranging, crafts,
self-defense, writing skills, women’s health issues, dealing with teachers,
stress management, discovering personality traits, and family traditions. Receiving
a grant from SIA has enabled the continuation of this project and additions
such as pencils, compacts, and bookmarks with our Soroptimist logo, and books
for journaling – all reminders of the workshop.

SEW project - bracelets 

As a club, we
have felt very humbled by this project, realizing we come away with as much as
we give. It’s an incredible feeling knowing we can make a difference in the
lives of women and girls by working together for a common goal – after implementing
a solid plan. As a bonus, the project has been instrumental in building lifelong
friendships among club members, and has made the word Soroptimist well known in
our community.

It has been
quite apparent that many things we take for granted have been most important to
our clients. Clients always thank us for the following: taking time out from
our schedules to visit with them and not judge them, providing ‘special’
refreshments and decor, and making them feel that they matter. They comment
that it means a lot to share their lives and concerns with other ladies; that
connection in their lives has not always been met. They realize a hope for
their futures and the possibility that they can eventually ‘fit’ in.

Since 2012, we
have spread our wings and now provide S.E.T. workshops (Soroptimist Empowering
Teens) at our three local junior high schools. We felt the importance of
investing in younger girls. Workshops are held after school, allowing us
opportunity to partner with these schools. The schools provide classrooms, make
a list of the 25 girls attending each workshop, and also send a janitor after
we’re finished!

Our focus is on
girls who are not involved in extracurricular activities at their school, but
whose potential is seen by teachers and principals. As you can imagine, this
project would not be possible without the partnership of these schools.

Beginning with our “Girl Talk” session, skilled
and professional presenters (teachers, police officers) address current junior
high issues including: bullying, dangers of internet usage, body image, and human
trafficking. Following the “Girl Talk” session is the perfect time to share with

opportunity to
partner with these schools. The schools provide classrooms, make a list of the 25
girls attending each workshop, and also send a janitor after we’re finished!

Our focus is on
girls who are not involved in extracurricular activities at their school, but
whose potential is seen by teachers and principals. As you can imagine, this
project would not be possible without the partnership of these schools.

SEW project - decorating cookies

Beginning with
our “Girl Talk” session, skilled and professional presenters (teachers, police
officers) address current junior high issues including: bullying, dangers of
internet usage, body image, and human trafficking. Following the “Girl Talk”
session is the perfect time to share with the girls the incredible experience of
joining S Club when they begin high school! (The last workshops of the year
include visits from local S Club members.) Soroptimist members then proceed to teach
various classes such as decorating cookies, baking tips, making crafts, floral
arranging, and the art of watercolour painting. Delicious refreshments are
available and appropriate teen background music is played at each session.

Soroptimist of
Ceres’ S.E.W. and S.E.T. workshops have proven to be win-win projects for all
involved – possible for any club with a passion to empower women and girls to
achieve their best.

Read about Soroptimists Encourage Women on the Global Impact Report website. 

The SI Global Impact Report 2012-13 highlights 39 Soroptimist Projects of Excellence from around the world to educate and inspire.





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