International Women's Day: Equality for Women is Progress for All!


Soroptimist International will be celebrating the benefits that equality for women brings for everyone on International Women’s Day (8 March).   Following UN Women’s announcement of their theme for this year’s IWD, Equality for Women is Progress for All, SI will be producing a series of resources to promote understanding that gender equality is not only a human right, but also a key element in building a healthier, happier and more prosperous world.

Progress for Children and Families

Empowering women is a proven and indispensable tool for advancing development and reducing poverty. For example, where girls and women have better access to education, their families, particularly children, benefit.   Children of mothers who have received secondary education are substantially less likely to die in childhood than those born to women who have not been afforded an education – improvements in women’s education explained half the reduction in child deaths around the world between 1970 and 2009, according to a study published in 2010.

A woman who receives an education is also likely to marry later and have fewer children, which makes it easier for families to thrive.  She is more likely to ensure that her own children are educated, helping to improve their prospects for the future, and more likely to resist violence or leave an abusive relationship.

Progress for Community and Society

Communities and societies also benefit where women are empowered to participate in politics and decision-making. According to the task force for MDG3, “countries where women’s share of seats in political bodies is less than 30 per cent are less inclusive, less egalitarian, and less democratic."  The report also states that "evidence suggests women’s participation in political decision making bodies improves the quality of governance” (pp104-5).

The benefits of women’s empowerment also extend beyond communities to nations as a whole.  Women’s economic participation and ability to participate in the labour market has significant benefits for national economies.  A Swedish study recently showed that GDP could increase between 15 and
45 per cent in the European Union as a result of gender equality, i.e. if women and men worked to the same extent in paid jobs, having
an equal share of part-time work and self-employment.

The benefits of gender-equality even extend to individual companies; Fortune 500 companies with better gender balances have been shown to have higher economic returns and better overall performance. 

Progress for Men and Boys

As SI is emphasising in our first ever all-male side event at CSW, gender equality is also important for men and boys, who
also lose out because of the unequal power relationships that arise from
traditional notions of masculinity.  Rigid gender roles rob boys and men
of the chance to fully realize their potential.  Focussing on equality means everyone can live their lives free from harmful stereotypes.

Get involved for IWD! 

  1. SI are producing a series of images and facts about the benefits of gender equality for all in the run up to CSW for you to share on Facebook, Twitter or your website!
  2. Print out our facts and images to use them as placards for your IWD event.
  3. Tell us what Equality for women is…. for you!  
  4. Share what you’re doing with SI – on Facebook, Twitter and via the PFR system. 

A fact sheet, placards and images for use on social media are available from our International Women’s Day event page.

UN Women International Women’s Day page





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