Our thoughts are with you – Si Karachi Central, Pakistan

Talat Pasha, member of SI Karachi Central, Pakistan, and SIGBI Board Member, writes a letter, reaching out to Soroptimists across the globe.


"I am writing this to ask  if 
Soroptimists all over the world would  join in our sorrow and raise their
voices against this horrific crime". Talat suggests holding candle lit vigils during meetings or anywhere suitable, taking photos, and helping to spread awareness whilst uniting us all in a common cause. Talat also asks that we please say a prayer for her
country, its women and its children.


SI Karachi Central organised a protest and vigil on 17 December 2014 against the terrorists that murdered over 100 children and teachers in a school in Peshawar, Pakistan.


Talat has released a statement that says:  “I am truly touched with the words of support and sympathy that have been sent to me from all over the world. As Soroptimist Sisters, I had no hesitation in sharing my shock and anguish with you all and your response has made me proud of our Organization and has confirmed my belief that holding each others hands we can reach great heights.”


International President Ann Garvie sent messages of support to the federation and Talat and says: Naturally you are all in our prayers
Talat, this is an absolute tragedy. On behalf of Soroptimist International, may I convey condolences to members of the federation, especially those in Pakistan, who need support and basic stamina to survive this atrocity. Sadly respect, understanding and tolerance fail to prevail". 


Read a message from SIGBI President Jenny Vince, here.

UNICEF has also sent out a message of condemnation and is asking for help in petitioning the Prime Minister to act.  Join the campaign on the UNICEF website.






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