International Day of the Girl Child

Welcome to a day dedicated to celebrating the power, potential, and rights of girls all around the world – International Day of the Girl Child


What is International Day of the Girl Child?
International Day of the Girl Child, celebrated annually on October 11th, is a global observance day initiated by the United Nations. It aims to highlight the unique challenges girls face worldwide, promote gender equality, and empower girls to pursue their dreams and ambitions.

Why is it Important?
Girls have the right to live free from discrimination, violence, and harmful practices. This day serves as a reminder that empowering girls and ensuring their rights is not only a moral imperative but also a catalyst for sustainable development. When girls are educated, healthy, and safe, they can transform their communities and the world

Day of the Girl Child 2023: Invest in Girls’ Rights: Our Leadership, Our Well-being

“This year, at a time when we are seeing a range of movements and actions to curtail girls’ and women’s rights and roll back progress on gender equality, we see particularly harsh impacts on girls. From maternal health care and parenting support for adolescent mothers, to digital and life skills training; from comprehensive sexuality education to survivor support services and violence prevention programmes; there is an urgent need for increased attention and resourcing for the key areas that enable girls to realize their rights and achieve their full potential.

Responding to girls’ calls for change, the global community must move beyond reaffirming commitments and invest boldly in the action needed to make that change. When we pay attention, we see that, already, many girls are championing solutions and change in their communities. Together with our government and civil society partners, UNICEF envisions a world where girls have space to shape government policy and spending to inform the rules and norms by which businesses should operate, and to direct the priorities for new research and innovations. These examples should not be novelties, but the norm.” – UN Day of the Girl Child

Soroptimist International asked the 5 Federations to provide a video or presentation to showcase what their Federation is doing to help towards this theme.

Address from SI President Maureen Maguire

Soroptimist International African Federation

Soroptimist International of the Americas

Soroptimist International of Europe

Soroptimist International Great Britain and Ireland

Soroptimist International South East Asia Pacific


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