News from Nepal


Image Source: Office of the Resident Coordinator 

  • As of 27 April, the Government reports 3,351
    deaths and 6,833 injured people.

  • 8 million people in 39 districts have been affected,
    of which over 2 million people live in the 11 severely
    affected districts.
  • Priority needs include food, water, shelter and
    medication. Over 1.4 million people are in need of
    food assistance.

  • A Humanitarian Staging Area (HSA) in Kathmandu
    International Airport has been set-up to mitigate
    congestion at Kathmandu Airport

Source Office of the Resident Coordinator at


A 7.8 magnitude earthquake caused devastation to the Central and Western Regions of Nepal and as aftershocks continue to wreck havoc on the lives of scores of people, International aid efforts are gathering pace as many people continue to sleep outdoors.

The UN has estimated that eight million people have been affected – more than a quarter of the population.
The death toll from the 7.8-magnitude quake is now 4,356, but could reportedly reach 10,000.

(Source: BBC)

SIGBI President Jenny Vince said: "We have heard from our members in SI Khatmandu and now know that Deepa, Uma and Sirita are safe and able to communicate with us and their members.  The phone lines are really overloaded so if members want to try and be in touch, text or email is best. We hope to send a donation from the Emergency Relief Fund to aid relief work in Nepal this week.  While the scale of this natural disaster is immense, we know that people are working on the ground to assist with shelter, and medical help. Members from SI India have also tried to get in touch to offer help. On a personal note, my daughter has this weekend flown to Nepal with Plan International to assist with the relief efforts, and I will forward any information I receive from her.”

An update from SIGBI states that £4,000 from the Emergency Relief Fund is being sent to Save the Children. The SIGBI Emergency Relief Fund is a UK registered charity, and SIGBI will be able to track all donations for Nepal and channel them through charities working on the ground, as advised by members in SI Kathmandu and with charities the Federation has partnered with previously, such as the International Red Cross and the Save the Children Fund.

To donate to the SIGBI Emergency Relief Fund (Ring fenced for Nepal) donate via Cheque, Paypal or Bank Transfer visit the SIGBI Emergency Relief Fund Page. Click Here 

A Message from International President Ann Garvie

Dear President Jenny,

I write to convey to you and the Federation, the condolences of the International Board and the global membership of Soroptimist International, the earthquake in Kathmandu killing more than two thousand is the worst earthquake in 80 years, with after shocks being felt in India and Bangladesh and 17 dead on Mount Everest.

This is yet another natural disaster to afflict the Federation. The thoughts and sympathy of Soroptimist International are conveyed to the Federation.

The trauma of the homeless victims is very difficult to imagine.

Kind regards and sympathy
Ann Garvie
International President 2013 – 2015

A Message from International President Elect Yvonne Simpson

My thoughts are with you. The earthquakes in Christchurch four years ago changed lives- emotionally, financially and health wise. … I feel for the people of Nepal

The scale of the disaster in Nepal will take international support to get the country back on its feet: A long and arduous journey.

I hope you soon find your sister Soroptimists and their families are all safe.

Warmest regards,

Yvonne Simpson
President-Elect, Soroptimist International

Visit the SIGBI website for further news updates




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