Bulgaria’s Human Rights Record Reviewed by UN

In May,
Bulgaria’s human rights record was reviewed by the UN. This was conducted by
the Universal Periodic Review , the instrument used by the UN Human Rights
Council to ensure that countries are working towards achieving universal human
rights access. SI UN Representative, Sabine Kinzer, attended the review and
reports for SI.


Photo: the UN conference room where the UPR happens

against women and girls was a major topic of discussion at Bulgaria’s UPR
review. It was good to hear the importance that was given to gender equality as
part of human rights from Bulgaria’s opening statement, however there are still
so many significant gaps and challenges in making that a reality. As NGOs, we
continue to scrutinise these commitments and we can continue to push constructively
for stronger actions. This is the role that we can play at the UPR. It is
important to follow-up and continue to try and find a solution. Nobody said it
will be easy!

As was
pointed out by questions given by State Representatives and NGOs, Bulgaria
still hasn’t ratified laws that help combat gender-based violence. This
includes Convention 210 of the Council of Europe which is about preventing and
eradicating all forms of violence against women such as domestic violence.
Considering that Bulgaria spoke about how the government and NGOs are united in
the fight against domestic violence in their opening statement, ratifying
Convention 210 would contribute to this. 


You can watch Bulgaria’s UPR Review by clicking on the above picture.

There were
more questions about the services provided to women who experience violence.
Will mandatory training for judges, lawyers and law enforcement personnel be
provided to assist with improving the application of laws on gender-based
violence? Will appropriate shelter be provided, quickly and without unnecessary
bureaucratic proceedings? How will the prosecution of human trafficking be
strengthened? All of these questions link back to the need for further
affirmative action and policy development to accelerate equality for women in

Sabine Kinzer, SI UN Representative




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