Soroptimist International South-East Asia-Pacific Federation: Environmental Stewardship in Waimea, New Zealand

This World Environment Day, we are sharing examples of best practices from across our federations to educate and inspire.

Soroptimist International South East Asia Pacific Federation (SISEAP) is at the forefront of addressing environmental challenges in the region. Through various projects, the federation has demonstrated its commitment to sustainable development, gender equality, and the protection of natural resources. The recent initiatives in New Zealand, led by the Waimea Soroptimist Club, underscore the impact of these efforts.

Watch the full presentation by SISEAP here.

Restoring Waimea Moana: A Model of Conservation

The Waimea Soroptimist Club in South Auckland, New Zealand, has embarked on a significant project to restore Waimea Moana, a Ramsar site recognized for its importance to migratory birds and unique biodiversity. This initiative aligns with the global theme of restoration, as emphasized by recent UNEP resolutions and COP 28 commitments to protect biodiversity and combat climate change.

The club has focused on planting native trees sourced locally, ensuring they require less maintenance and adapt well to the environment. This project not only conserves the area but also connects the community to their natural heritage. The planting efforts are carried out in collaboration with local students, particularly the Year 13 students from Waimea College, who plant trees as part of their graduation, symbolizing their connection to the land.

Legacy and Community Engagement

The project honors the legacy of Diane Thompson, a former Soroptimist president who was instrumental in initiating this environmental endeavor. Her project management skills and ability to connect with various stakeholders were crucial to the project’s success. The involvement of the local college, council, and indigenous iwi highlights the importance of community engagement in environmental conservation.

The initiative has fostered partnerships with local environmental groups and government bodies, ensuring broad-based support and sustainability. The estuary’s restoration efforts also aim to protect the habitat of the painted rail, a bird species that is rarely seen but vital to the ecosystem.

Overcoming Challenges

The project faced several challenges, including coordinating busy schedules of teachers and council members. Despite these obstacles, the persistence and dedication of the project team ensured successful communication and collaboration. This resilience in the face of difficulties exemplifies effective project management and community cooperation.

Impact and Future Vision

The restoration of Waimea Moana has already shown significant positive effects. The planted trees provide crucial habitat and food for various species, helping mitigate climate change and preserve biodiversity. The project has also strengthened the community’s connection to their environment, promoting a culture of sustainability and environmental stewardship.

Looking forward, the Waimea Soroptimist Club aims to continue this legacy of conservation. By taking action today to protect and restore natural areas, the project sets a precedent for sustainable development that will benefit future generations. The commitment to environmental stewardship extends beyond immediate outcomes, fostering a healthier and more resilient ecosystem.


Soroptimist International South East Asia Pacific Federation’s initiatives in New Zealand demonstrate the profound impact of community-driven environmental projects. By restoring natural habitats and fostering partnerships, the federation not only protects biodiversity but also empowers local communities. These efforts highlight the critical role of environmental stewardship in achieving sustainable development and gender equality in the region.




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