WAGGGS: We Can Save Our Planet Campaign

WAGGGS is on the road to Rio+20
via the Climate Change Conference COP17
in Durban. To ensure the voices of girls and young women are
heard in the negotiations on climate change and sustainable development, WAGGGS have
launched the ‘we can save our planet’ campaign‘. The campaign pulls
together community action on the ground, delivering demands to
decision-makers at all levels, global youth consultations to inform the youth
delegations at both UN events and worldwide mobilization for awareness raising
on environmental sustainability.


The first round of
consultation (pre-COP17) has been launched on www.surveymonkey.com/s/wecansaveourplanet and Soroptimists are invited to contribute their views by completing the survey. The survey is in three
languages – English, French and Spanish – and aimed at girls and boys, women
and men of all ages around the world. It takes 8 minutes to complete! The survey closes on 31 October 2011.




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