Annual General Meeting of Soroptimist International, 2024

SI President Siew Yong Gnanalingham is pleased to invite all Soroptimists to the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Soroptimist International as silent observers. The meeting will take place by Zoom on Saturday 13 July 2024 commencing at 11:00 BST . It will include formal business of the company under which we operate, SI (Soroptimist International) Limited being reviewed by the members of the company; the five Soroptimist Federations.  

There will also be presentations on SI Global Advocacy work, a Getting to Know SI Directors session and a review of the projects undertaken by Soroptimist International Foundation during 2023. Soroptimists will be able to join the AGM as silent observers but towards the end of the meeting there will be an opportunity to ask questions.  

If you would like to attend the AGM, you will need to register in advance

We look forward to welcoming you, please note that places are limited. 



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