Artificial Intelligence and Gender Based Violence

Blog of Rina Dupriet, SI UN Representative at UNESCO.

Now that the world is currently being shaped by rapid technological advancement, the intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and gender-based violence has emerged as a critical concern. In this article, Rina Dupriet, SI UN Representative at UNESCO, sheds light on the transformative potential of generative AI and its implications for the safety of women and girls worldwide. This topic was presented during the UNESCO General Conference held in November 2023, with Dr Rumman Chowdhury, a pioneer in the field of applied algorithmic ethics and research, discussing the report.

As we delve into the impact of generative AI on gender-based violence, this article aligns with our commitment during the 16 Days of Activism. Let’s explore the critical intersection of technology, ethics, and gender rights.

Objectives of the Report: Navigating the Complex Terrain

Technological innovations like ChatGPT, DALL-E, and Bard promise unprecedented productivity gains but also raise profound questions about human rights, particularly the safety of women and girls. According to the report, a staggering 58% of young women and girls globally have fallen victim to online harassment on social media platforms, underlining the urgent need for action.

The report sets forth a comprehensive set of recommendations directed at generative AI companies, content distributors, regulators, policymakers, civil society organisations, independent researchers, and users. It emphasises collaborative efforts to address the multifaceted challenges posed by the intersection of AI and gender-based violence.

UNESCO’s Commitment

UNESCO’s involvement in commissioning this report aligns with its broader commitment to combat gender violence on the internet. The initiative also resonates with the “Principles for the Governance of Digital Platforms” launched at the World Conference in February 2023, following the recommendations of member states in 2021. This commitment serves to raise awareness and foster tangible solutions.

Contextualising Generative AI: A Double-Edged Sword

While the positive opportunities presented by generative AI are evident, the technology is a double-edged sword. Major companies have harnessed its potential for creative endeavours, ranging from tutoring and journalistic tools to art creation. However, the dark side of AI emerges when individuals exploit it for harmful intentions, leading to the dissemination of disinformation and offensive content.

The report highlights instances of AI-generated false political publicity and misleading imagery, emphasising the capacity of AI to amplify gender-related harms. Technology-facilitated gender violence takes various forms, including disinformation, cyber harassment, hate speech, identity theft, piracy, image and video abuse, doxing, and violent threats.

Online Violence: A Disturbing Reality

The report underscores the alarming prevalence of online violence, particularly targeting women journalists. Shockingly, 73% of women journalists report being victims of online violence. The historical context of coordinated online harassment, as seen in the Gamergate movement against women in the video game sector, serves as a stark reminder of the urgency to address these issues.

Mitigating Harm: A Collective Responsibility

The report advocates for a shared responsibility among stakeholders to mitigate existing and potential harm. Content distributors play a crucial role by exercising human rights diligence, developing robust reporting methods, exploring protection measures that do not isolate victims, creating proactive solutions to identify falsified content, and enhancing transparency and controls by third parties.

Furthermore, the call to action includes a plea for swift responses to reports of harmful content, providing users with information and tools to make informed decisions about the content they share and consume. This multifaceted approach aims to empower individuals and organisations to be vigilant against technology-facilitated gender violence.

In conclusion, the report serves as a wake-up call to the global community, urging collaboration, transparency, and proactive measures to harness the benefits of generative AI while safeguarding the rights and safety of women and girls in the digital age.



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