Keynote Speech: Nicole Ameline

Our second keynote speech on Friday, 28 July, came from Nicole Ameline, former member of the National Assembly of France and distinguished member of the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). Martyna Wykrota provided the summary of her talk below. Nicole Ameline is renowned for

Keynote Speech: Jim Gamble

Our first keynote speech on day two (28 July) of the Soroptimist International Convention 2023, came from Jim Gamble, CEO of INEQE Safeguarding Group and an expert in child protection. The premise of his talk emphasised why the dangers regarding online safety and the safeguarding of children online are not

Keynote Speech: Sean Wensley

Our Advocacy Policy Advisor, Hana Smith, summarised Sean Wensley's keynote speech which took place in the afternoon of Thursday 27 July at the 2023 Soroptimist International Convention in Dublin. Through a Veterinarian’s Eyes: Securing Well-Being for Animals, People and Planet  Dr. Sean Wensley is a Senior Veterinarian for Animal Welfare

Keynote Speech: Mary Robinson

On Thursday 27 July, our keynote speeches for the Soroptimist International Convention Dublin began with a talk on female leadership by the first woman President of Ireland, Mary Robinson.  Mary was a principled and transformative leader who fought for equality and women’s rights throughout her time in office. Following her

Opening of the Soroptimist International Dublin Convention 2023

On Thursday, 27 July, Soroptimists from across the globe gathered at the Soroptimist International (SI) 2023 Convention in Dublin, Ireland, celebrating their friendship and projects supporting women and girls.  Sue Perry, the Soroptimist International Convention Chair, welcomed everyone into the Convention and the city of Dublin.   Deborah Thomas, the

Our Voice at the UN: Leadership Series (Geneva)

Our Voice at the UN Leadership Series Fulfilling the mission and aims of Soroptimist International, the role that our representatives play at the international offices of the United Nations is critical to ensuring that the voices, perspectives, and experiences of women and girls are accounted for in all decision-making processes


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