Violence against Women in Leadership

Soroptimist International (SI) and Zonta International (ZI) co-hosted a parallel event at CSW67 on Wednesday 15 March to address the root causes and debilitating impacts of violence against women (VAW)[1] in leadership positions. The panellists included Zarifa Ghafari, former mayor in Afghanistan and women’s rights activist; Sandra Pepera, Senior Associate

Technology, Water and Women

This parallel event, held on Tuesday 14 March, was presented as a joint session between Soroptimist International (SI) and the Women for Water Partnership and featured panelists from around the world, discussing the nature and role of gender and technological innovation surrounding Water issues. The session was introduced by SI

Gender Gaps in Cyber Security

The panel discussion hosted by the Alliance of NGOs on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, on Thursday 09 March, entitled “Gender Gaps in Cybersecurity”, aimed to analyse current issues within the cyberspace, discuss how cybersecurity failures have become a reflection of offline patterns of abuse, exclusion and discrimination, and better

How to join us at CSW67

Dear Soroptimists   We are now just days away from this year's Commission on the Status of Women event, CSW67. The event is hybrid, taking place from Monday 06 – Friday 17 March. I am delighted to inform you that we have a delegation of 65 Soroptimist Members attending in person,

CSW67 Advocacy Resources

Soroptimist International has launched its Advocacy Resource Pack for those attending CSW67 both in person and virtually.  The PDF is now available for you to download and use in your advocacy work. → View and download PDF

CSW67 Training

Soroptimist International held an informative CSW67 Advocacy training Session in February 2023. The PowerPoint is now available for you to download and use in your advocacy work. → View and download PDF of the PPT HERE  

SISEAP Education Day

Malaysia – Building Bridges Beyond Borders - 5 refugee schools Soroptimist International Educates, Empowers and Enables females to realise true potential. It is widely demonstrated that education is the key for escaping poverty, for a girl, woman, family, community and a country. Education is the pathway for empowerment and choice


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