The Role of Social Protection in Advancing Health Equity

Blog of Olga Tzortzatou Nanopoulou, SI Representative to the UN in Geneva. This report summarises key points from a webinar which took place on 9 December 2024, hosted by the World Health Organisation (WHO)  Global Knowledge Network for Health Equity (GKNHE) and the WHO Collaborating Centre on Health in All Policies and

Ransom Kidnapping and Human Trafficking: Is There a Connection?

Blog of Linda Witong, SI Advocacy Advisor.  In this thought-provoking blog, Linda Witong, SI Advocacy Advisor, explores the often-overlooked nexus between human trafficking and kidnapping for ransom—commonly referred to as “Ransom Kidnapping”. Motivated by the troubling gaps in legal frameworks that fail to fully recognise and protect victims of this

Improving Gender and Diversity in Intellectual Property and Innovation

Blog of Olga Tzortzatou Nanopoulou, SI Representative to the UN in Geneva. The World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) hosted its inaugural IPGAP (Intellectual Property Gender Action Plan) Global Research Experts Meeting in November 2024, bringing together leading researchers, policymakers, and stakeholders to address pressing issues related to gender and diversity

Ending Violence and Bullying at school

Blog of Evelyne Para, SI Representative to UNESCO in Paris. A significant number of children and adolescents worldwide face violence and bullying in schools, including cyber-bullying. Combating this violence in schools, which harms the health, well-being and learning of young people, is an urgent and essential challenge. This is why

Geneva Calls: A Pivotal Moment for Older Persons’ Rights

Blog of Donatella Benjamin, SI Representative to the United Nations in Geneva.  Geneva Calls: A Pivotal Moment for Older Persons’ Rights, celebrating the International Day of Older Persons “Geneva Calls: A Pivotal Moment for Older Persons’ Rights” was organised by the NGO Committee on Ageing (Geneva) on October 1st, and

Security Council Debate: Women, Peace and Security

Blog of Donatella Benjamin, SI Representative to the United Nations in Geneva.  Did you know the Security Council annually holds an open debate on ‘Women, Peace, and Security’ (WPS), and Viola Amherd, the President of the Swiss Confederation, is also a Soroptimist? 'Promoting sustainable peace' is one of Switzerland’s key

How to Keep the United Nations Environmental Agenda in Times of Crisis?

Blog of Pascale Muylaert, SI Representative to the UN in Geneva. These days, international Geneva practitioners and environmental defenders in general face deep uncertainty, overlapping crises, and competition between major problems. Despite these challenges, their activities have to remain politically relevant to ensure steady progress in the fight against the


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