Are women ready for a digital future?

Blog of Evelyne PARA, SI UN Representative at UNESCO Today, many countries are convinced that their future economic competitiveness will depend on how quickly they can make the transition to digital and ‘green’ societies. Particularly as time is running out to achieve their sustainable development goals by 2030. The world

Launch of Soroptimist International’s HLPF 2021 Report

Soroptimist International is delighted to announce the launch of its 2021 High-level Political Forum report, “Confronting Inequalities: Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals During the COVID-19 Pandemic”. This year, the report focuses on how to sustainably respond to and recover from the COVID-19 pandemic while addressing the inequalities which create fundamental

High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development 2021

Every year, United Nations Member States, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) including Soroptimist International, and other stakeholders, meet at the UN’s High-level Political Forum (HLPF) to review progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The High-level Political Forum provides an opportunity for states and organisations to share what they are doing to

Employed Women, Empowered Women: The Mentari Sewing Studio in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Blog by Nisha Dobberstein, Kala Subramaniam, Suganthini Masilamoney and Dr Theresa Devasahayam. It has been agreed upon by development planners that "unemployment and underemployment lie at the core of poverty", and especially amongst the poor, labour is the “only asset [the poor] can [leverage] to improve their well-being”.[1] Central to

SI Annual General Meeting 29 July 2021

Soroptimist International President Sharon Fisher, wishes to extend a warm invitation to all Soroptimists to join this year’s Annual General Meeting of Soroptimist International (SI), being held online on 29 July 2021, on the Zoom Platform. Starting at 19:00 BST, the agenda will include formal business, and presentations from the

ILO C190 and the NGO Coalition to End Violence and Harassment in the World of Work

Blog by Maria Fornella-Oehninger, SI United Nations Representative in New York and Co-chair of the NGO Committee on Social Development. As part of the Global Action Week, 21-29 June 2021, the International Labour Organization (ILO) is promoting the ratification of the Convention Concerning the Elimination of Violence and Harassment in

Leigh Ellwood-Brown Announced SI Director of Advocacy 2022-2023

Soroptimist International (SI) is delighted to announce Leigh Ellwood-Brown FGAA, as SI Director of Advocacy, 2022-2023. Leigh will commence as Director of Advocacy-Elect on 1 July 2021 and take up her role on 1 January 2022. Leigh's inspiring career is established within the Diamond, Gems and Custom Designed Jewellery Industry,

Introducing the Y20: Connecting Youth with SI

Soroptimist International is partnering with the U.S. Delegation to the G20 Youth 20 Summit 2021. The Summit will take place from 19 - 23 July in Italy, ahead of the G20 Leaders Summit held in October. As one of the G20 Engagement Groups, the Y20 Summit provides a unique opportunity


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