CSW64 Advisory

Date: Monday, 2 March, 2020 Original Report at: https://www.unwomen.org/en/news/stories/2020/2/announcer-csw64-advisory UPDATE: 2 March, New York— Following the UN Secretary-General’s recommendation to Member States to amend the format of the 64th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women in light of the current concerns regarding coronavirus disease (COVID-19), an informal

What is CEDAW? And how does it work?

SI UN Representative, Berthe De Vos-Neven, provides an insiders look at the history and function of the Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). "CEDAW is a United Nations body which consists of 23 independent experts. These experts monitor the implementation of the Convention of

25 years since the Copenhagen Declaration and Program for Action – a vision and commitment still valid today

A blog by Linda Witong, Special Advisor to Advocacy "Twenty-five years ago, 186 countries gathered in Copenhagen, Denmark for the World Summit for Social Development (WSSD), joined by 2,300 representatives from 811 non-governmental organisations and created the Copenhagen Declaration and Program for Action. This year marks the 25th anniversary of

Eyes on the Future – A Q&A with Soroptimists

In the first in a series of Q&A's we talk to Soroptimist Amrita Gautam ‘Soroptimism’ in the eyes of a 'Soroptimist’? ‘’Optimism in everything we do, leads us to the World we want to live in’’. That is why we are Soroptimists! -Amrita Gautam   Please tell us a little


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