Your Voice at the UN

This edition contains news from the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council in Geneva, the UN Environment Programme in Nairobi, and the 68th United Nations Civil Society Conference, held in Utah, alongside other news and updates from SI's UN Representatives.   Berthe De Vos, SI UN Representative, Geneva SI at

Widows and Conflict-Related Situations

A blog by Berthe De Vos, SI UN Representative in Geneva, "Earlier this week, I attended the UN Human Rights Council 42: 'Widows and Conflict-related Situations' panel discussion moderated by Ms. Lois Herman, Managing Director WUNRN, Women’s UN Report Network. Initially, I felt saddened by the lack of interest from

The Road to Equality

THE ROAD TO EQUALITY, our next Soroptimist International (SI) President's Appeal, was announced by President Elect Sharon Fisher as she invited Soroptimists around the world to join her on a two-year road trip to find and empower women and girls who have been left behind.  The Appeal will raise awareness


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