A blog by SI UN Rep, New York, Barbara Rochman "The United Nations World Refugee Day is celebrated on 20 June every year. The world celebrates so that we do not forget the needs and contributions of those millions of people who have fled their countries because of conflict or

#6 Your Voice at the United Nations

Welcome to ‘Your Voice at the United Nations’   Cryptocurrencies, Cybercrime and Impacts on Women Side Event moderated by SI UN Representative Martina Gredler at the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ), Twenty-seventh session, 14 –18 May 2018 Photo: SI UN Representative Martina Gredler and associates On 16

Marking World Environment Day – Kenya

Soroptimist International (SI) and Women for Water Partnership (WfWP) members, together with the Ngara Girls High School, Nairobi, mobilised school girls, women and other like-minded stakeholders to participate in a school environment clean-up and tree-planting event, to mark this year’s World Environment Day. Ngara girls high school is situated right

Climate Justice – what does it mean?

A blog by Pat Black "In 2015 everyone celebrated when all the UN Member States signed up to the ‘Paris Agreement’ on climate change. It made international news headlines, unusual for a UN Agreement. When President Donald Trump announced last year he would withdraw the USA from the agreement he

Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

A blog by Wanda Peters, SI Public Relations Officer "On 3 May 2018, I attended a keynote address and panel discussion entitled ‘Leadership in Human Rights, Diversity, and Inclusion’ in the Academiegebouw, one of the beautiful old buildings of Utrecht University. This year, on 10 December to be precise, it


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