From Beijing to Malmoe – Soroptimists make our voice heard and take action (Nordic Forum, Sweden)

  Image: Danish Soroptimist Governors and volunteers at the SI stand From 12-19th June, Soroptimists from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden were among nearly 20,000 participants at the Nordic Forum, a conference marking the 20th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action in Malmoe, Sweden. Soroptimist International President Ann Garvie and SI Europe

Women and the Green Economy: SI at the UN Environment Assembly

  The first United Nations Environment Assembly met in Nairobi, Kenya, from 23-27 June and Soroptimist International UN Representative Dr Alice Odingo was there to ensure that the voices of women were heard. The UNEA is the highest-level UN body ever convened on the environment, bringing together over 1200 participants

In pictures: Soroptimist clubs in action around the world!

See some of the latest Soroptimist International club projects to educate, empower and enable opportunities for women and girls around the world in this round up of actions reported in June 2014.  View the slideshow below (or see on Flickr here) and read more in the descriptions below.  SI Mackay

Advocacy Round Up: A Month of Firsts and Big Beginnings!

1st United Nations Environment Assembly SI’s UN Reps in Nairobi, Alice Odingo and Rose Mwangi, are making SI’s presence felt at the world’s first UN Environment Assembly. Alice is chairing the thematic group on “Financing the Green Economy”, and our reps will be drafting the statement on that subject. “Be


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