90000 Voices for Women's Rights: Human Rights Day 2012

Women are still deprived of their human rights in so many places: denied an education, safe childbirth, a life free of violence .  SI continues to fight for human rights for all at grassroots, national and international level – standing up for Malala and girls’ education, improving healthcare for women

Nobel Peace Prize Nomination for Esther Madudu.

As we know the importance of midwives and their ability to work effectively and safely is paramount to the lives of mothers and their babies all over the world. The current Soroptimist International Birthing in the Pacific Programme in Papua New Guinea is a prime example of this. In Africa,

What it means to be a Soroptimist!

At this year’s Board meeting in Cambridge, UK, we asked Soroptimist International board members and post-holders to bring with them an object important to them in their life as a Soroptimist. Many members brought in their wonderful items and shared with us their story. Below are but a few of

The President's Appeal Project – Birthing in the Pacific

With its first year almost at an end we wanted to provide you with an update on our December 10th Appeal, Birthing in the Pacific (BIP). This project was set up in order to increase access to both skilled birth attendants and functioning health care services in Papua New Guinea

Stop Violence Against Women – SI Supports 16 Days Against Gender-violence

Soroptimist International groups around the world are marking 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Violence by running events and raising awareness.  In Malaysia, 3  Soroptimist International members are walking nearly 1000kms in 17 days from Perlis to Sabah to highlight the issue. You can read the latest from their walk on their Facebook Page.  Other "Walk

SI at World Bank and IMF 2012 Annual Meeting

The World Bank and IMF 2012 Annual Meeting Civil Society Policy Forum took place from October 10 - 13 2012 at the Tokyo International Forum. Soroptimist International member Sumie Ito from the Japan Higashi region was in attendance to report back to us about the event. The Civil Society Policy

Empowerment and education for women in Pakistan and the UK

This week's SoroptiVoiceBlog comes from Talat Pasha, Past-President of Soroptimist International Karachi Central (Pakistan). She talks about the need to build women's confidence and encourage them to open their lives to new friends and learning opportunities, wherever they are in the world. Empowerment can be financial or emotional. Sometimes women

Food Systems Facing Climate Change – Creating Impact

Our last two news articles addressed the first two days at the CFS 39, held at the FAO, Rome. Centred around the HLPE (High Level Panel Experts) report on Food Security and Climate Change, various meetings took place in assessment of the new documentation. Soroptimist International made it clear that


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