December 10th Advocacy Campaign: Flash Mob for Mums

This year, we are introducing the inaugural Soroptimist International December 10th Advocacy Campaign – one day when all Soroptimists and their local partners and supporters are asked to participate in a collective, worldwide advocacy effort which will link to the year’s December 10th Appeal.  We are excited to announce that

Are you a Guerilla Gardener? Could you be? Read on…

Throughout December, we are delighted to welcome SI leadership to the SoroptiVoice blog spot! This week, SIE President Kathy explains why she selected water and food as the theme for her presidency, and shares the phenomenon of 'guerilla gardening'... coming to an urban waste land near you! Next Friday, to

SIE Welcomes New Executive Director

Soroptimist International of Europe (SIE) is delighted to announce the appointment of Anne Simon as its new Executive Director. Anne brings a wealth of experience to SIE and will be an excellent asset to SIE’s work as a global voice for women. Anne worked with Pricewaterhouse Coopers for some 20

16 Ways to Say No to Violence Against Women

16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence Campaign is an international campaign that began in 1991. From November 25th, the International Day of Elimination of Violence Against Women, to December 10th, International Human Rights Day, the campaign calls on individuals and groups around the world to act to end all

Women's Opportunity Awards: "Courage in Every Crisis"

This week's SoroptiVoice blog comes from SIA's new Federation Programme Director Sharon Fisher. She writes about SIA's flagship Women's Opportunity Award and shares the stories of some of the award winners. Today also marks the start of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence - the stories she

The Commonwealth People's Forum 2011: The Strength of Civil Society

International Past President Margaret Lobo, and SI South West Pacific Federation Programme Director recently represented Soroptimist International at the Commonwealth People's Forum and Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting.  The Commonwealth People's Forum: The value, structure and status of the Commonwealth were the subject of much debate and discussion, in light


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