Hunting for Treasure!

This week's SoroptiVoice Blog comes from International President Alice. Here she shares her vision of strategic planning and how, as Soroptimists, we can join together to be global treasure hunters as we work to improve the lives of women and girls. Imagine a world where women and girls are afforded

Podcast: SI Malaysia Interview

Soroptimist International of Malaysia were recently interviewed by their local business radio station. The Malaysian branch of SI has been going for 20 years so they had plenty to share! Joanne Yeoh, president of SI Malaysia, stopped by to share about the role that they play in advocating for women

SI Delivers Statement to the Working Group on Ageing

This week our UN Representatives in New York attended the working group on ageing. Soroptimist International prepared a brief statement which we were able to contribute to the discussions. Our representative, Lois Beilin, reports that one of the big discussion points was whether to have a "new" convention on protection

World Breastfeeding Week

August 1 – 7: World Breastfeeding Week Breastfeeding... the forgotten natural behavior          Breastfed babies are healthy and happy babies                                           Sarah (3 ½ months) and Fiona (7 ½ months) now 26 and 23 respectively                                                                                                    Julie Marsaban is a founding member of SI Jakarta

Trafficking – Slavery Under Another Name

This week's SoroptiVoice comes from Theresa Lyford, SI South West Pacific's Assistant Federation Programme Director. Theresa talks about an organization that Clubs in the Region of Victoria, Australia, have been involved with for the past few years called Project Respect. This organisation advocated and worked with a Victorian State Government

CEDAW Recommendations on Protection of Women in Conflict Areas

In the October 2010 session, the Commission on the Elimination of All forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) in Geneva  proposed  a general recommendation for the protection of women’s human rights in conflict and post-conflict contexts.  On July 18th, 2011 the recommendation was presented to member states and civil society

SIPP Brings Cambodian Women Smiles and Hope

This week's SoroptiVoice Blog comes from Sarvina Kang, 24, from Cambodia. She is currently pursuing a Masters in Development Management at Norton University, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. She joined the SIPP since June 2010 before the chartered day on July 4th 2010.  Here she describes SI Phnom Pehn's breast cancer awareness

SI Partnership Transforms Lives in Sierra Leone

Press release: Hope and Homes for Children. 14th July 2011 This week, members of Soroptimist International have reviewed the impact of their generous support of our work in Sierra Leone over the past four years. Soroptimists have travelled from all over the world to attend their 19th International Conference in


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