SI Delivers Oral Statement at ECOSOC High Level Segment

SI UN Representative to Geneva reports back from the recent ECOSOC High Level Segment which closed On July 7th. There are only 4 ½ years to 2015 when the internationally agreed MDGs (Millennium Development Goals) should be reached. Because of this, the recent meeting of ECOSOC dealt with many aspects

New SI Programme Goals and Objectives Agreed!

Soroptimist International is delighted to announce that the new programme goals and objectives for the 2011-2015 quadrennium have been publish! At the Saturday session of the SI Board Meeting, 9th July, we welcomed Programme Voting Delegates (PVDs) from all over the world to discuss and develop the new programme goals

Being 'international' – what does it mean?

This week's SoroptiVoice comes from outgoing International Programme Director Dawn Marie Lemonds. She wrote this a few months ago and we've been saving it for the international SI Convention here in Montreal -  Thank you so much to Dawn Marie for sharing this and for all her amazing work over

SI Hosts Side Event at the FAO Conference in Rome

SI UN Representative to the Food and Agricultural Organisation in Rome, Cinzia Palmi, reports back from a very exciting few days, including the SI coordinated side event on rural women and agriculture. Cinzia reports... At this Session I was accompanied by Marie Jeanne Bosia, SI Past International President, who was

SI 2007 – 2011 Quadrennial Report Launches!

It is with great pleasure that we announce the launch of SI’s 2007-2011 Quadrennial Report. This report is in electronic format and is available on our website: Many thanks to all SI Officers and post-holders for making this another successful quadrennium!  We hope that you enjoy reading about the

Literacy for Life

This week's SoroptiVoice Blog comes from Helen Owen, SIGBI Assistant Programme Director for Education. Helen is a member of SI Runcorn, Frodsham and District in the UK. Here she talks about the importance of supporting International Literacy Day and projects which support literacy in countries and communities where this vital

Disaster Risk Reduction, Gender and Youth

This paper was presented on the 17th June 2011 at the Greater Horn of Africa Climate Outlook Forum (GHACOF) 28 in Nairobi, Kenya. The GHACOFs are fora where the IGAD Climate Prediction and Application Centre (ICPAC), provide Climate forecasts for the IGAD countries (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Somalia,

UN Women Reveal Strategic Plan

“The strategic plan before you is our shared roadmap for the next few years,” Bachelet declared at the annual session of the agency’s executive board at the U.N. headquarters in New York. “Like any good map, it sets out a general direction to be followed. We will need to come


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