Beijing Platform for Action 25 years on

A blog by Pat Black

“It’s never too early to start planning and special anniversaries don’t come around too often. 2020 will see a number of UN related anniversaries coinciding – the 10th Anniversary of the establishment of UN Women, 25 years since the Beijing Platform for Action Declaration and 75 years since the formation of the United Nations itself.

The 1995 World Conference of Women was a major milestone for women’s human rights – probably most famous for a speech by Hilary Clinton which produced the much repeated phrase “women’s rights are human rights and human rights are women’s rights”.

The Declaration by Governments announced 12 critical areas for action within a global framework concerning women and girls.









In 2020 UN Women with many partners are planning a Global Forum for Gender Equality to be held in two centres, Mexico and Paris, France.  Whilst this will be a celebration of the progress so far the women’s movement will be challenging all Governments regarding the progress to the achievement of these goals, which has been slow. Get Involved. 

We have seen many campaigns launched such as #MeToo and Orange The World.

Since 2015 we have a stand alone Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) for Gender Equality #5, and gender issues feature in the targets across all the SDGs.

CSW64 in March 2020 will contribute to the Beijing+25 celebrations, taking a different format with a Political Declaration being announced rather than the usual negotiations on Agreed Conclusions. CSW64

There will be preparations and events held at the UN region centres over the coming months. Discussions at these consultations will feed into the main events of CSW and the Global Forum next year with consideration being given to conclusions by the General Assembly in 2020. Preparations and Review Process

But can we really celebrate when we are witnessing so much ‘push back’ by Governments, and an increase in recorded incidents of violence against women and girls? Even 25 years on from the Declaration of such good intent we need to keep the pressure on our Governments and other major decision makers.

What can we as Soroptimists do?

Continue to:

  • Provide local service and support to women and girls in vulnerable groups;
  • Fund raise to enable projects which make a difference for women and girls;
  • Raise awareness of the issues affecting our communities locally and globally;
  • Advocate for change on behalf of all those women and girls still not protected by legislation or recognised by law makers or law enforcers;
  • Engage with other like minded NGOs developing partnerships and alliances to reinforce the work and the message;
  • Encourage men and boys to recognise and respect the positive contributions which women and girls can make to their communities.

Get involved with the new UN developments which will contribute to all these amazing events:

  • Engage with UN Women and the “The Step It Up for Generation Equality” campaign;
  • Encourage your National Government to follow the “Recommendations of Tunis Forum on Gender Equality” April 2019 Recommendations
  • Analyse your country’s National report with a gender lens and hold your government accountable;
  • Attend your Regional Review Process for Beijing+25.


SI representatives at the United Nations are already involved in discussions taking place in preparation for the all major events next year.  They will be reporting on a regular basis so keep an eye on the SI website, look out for information from your Federation and in the SI newsletter, Global Voice”.


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