16 Days of Activism at UN Geneva

A Blog by Donatella Benjamin, SI UN Representative in Geneva. For a number of reasons, Geneva is an important city for international co-operation and key for multilateral negotiations. It is home to the United Nations Geneva Office (UNOG), alongside several other UN Agencies, Member States Missions, NGOs, and more; at

Preventing Femicide Against Women

Blog of Linda Witong, SI Advocacy Advisor 16 Days of Activism Campaign The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an annual campaign that runs from 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, through to International Human Rights Day on 10 December. Anyone and
Centre left: head and shoulders photo of author smiling. Centre right: white Soroptimist International logo. Below, white text reads: World Humanitarian Day, a blog by Berthe De Vos - Neven SI United Nations Representative, Geneva

World Humanitarian Day

SI UN Representative, Berthe De Vos-Neven, blogs from World Humanitarian Day at UN Geneva – August 19, 2022. “The General Assembly of the UN has marked August 19th as “World Humanitarian Day” to create awareness around the problems aid workers and humanitarian helpers are daily facing in the crises and
Teal background, top left is a white Soroptimist International logo, top right is a head and shoulders photo of the author of the blog, whote text beneath reads: International Girls in ICT day, a blog by Stacy Ciulik SI UN Representative Geneva

International Girls in ICT Day

Stacy Ciulik, SI UN Representative in Geneva, blogs about the importance of empowering girls in Information and Communication Technology (ICT). “International Girls in ICT Day is an International Telecommunication Union (ITU) global initiative that takes place every year on the 4th Thursday of April. It aims to encourage young women
Blue Background. In foreground white text reads: World Day Against Child Labour, A blog by Berthe De Vos, SI Representative to the International Labour Organisation. Above a white Soroptimist International logo is positioned to the left of a head and shoulders image of the author smiling

World Day against Child Labour

Blog by Berthe De Vos, SI Representative to the International Labour Organisation. “What is Child Labour? Child labour is work that harms the health of the child, endangers it, and it is a violation of international and/or national laws. It deprives children of education and/or puts a double burden on
A blue wave crashed in foreground, above text reads: Save the ocean, protect the future. A blog by Rita Nogueira Ramos, SI Representative to the 4th UN Ocean Conference

Save the Ocean, Protect the Future

Rita Nogueira Ramos, blogs from the 4th UN Ocean Conference, held in Lisbon, Portugal, 27 June – 1 July 2022. "In 2017, at the first edition of the UN ocean conference in New York, the United Nations Secretary General had already warned that the oceans face "an unprecedented threat" and


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