Bridging the Gaps: Inclusive Digital Health

Blog of Olga Tzortzatou Nanopoulou, SI Representative to the UN in Geneva. During a recent meeting coordinated by Warwick University, SI Representative Dr. Olga Tzortzatou Nanopoulou was among a number of stakeholders brought together to discuss the urgent needs within digital health spheres, particularly concerning coordination needs and gaps in

Widows Seminar: Challenges, Gaps, and Best Practices

Blog of Berthe De Vos Neven, SI Representative to the United Nations in Geneva.  This two day seminar on Widows: Challenges, gaps, and best practices, hosted on October 17 and 18 at the UN in Geneva, was organised by Widow's Rights International and Co-organised by Soroptimist International. Five years ago,

Beijing+30 Review Forum: Workshop on Women and the Economy

Blog of Berthe De Vos Neven, SI Representative to the United Nations in Geneva.  Since all women are a part of the economy in the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe region (UNECE), this is a particularly vast topic to consider. The title of this workshop 'Women and the Economy',

Beijing+30 Review Forum: Workshop on Environment

Blog of Pascale Muylaert, SI Representative to the United Nations in Geneva.  The environment is everyone's concern, but women are uniquely positioned to lead the way in protecting our planet. As part of the UNECE Beijing +30 review sessions, a group of committed, passionate women from around the United Nations

Beijing+30 Civil Society Forum: Workshop on Harnessing AI for Good

Blog of  Tania Gómez Herazo, from Soroptimist International Belgium.  The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe region (UNECE) Civil Society Forum for the review of the Beijing +30 Platform for Action convened a groundbreaking workshop on October 19, 2024, to explore the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in promoting

Beijing+30 Civil Society Forum: Workshop on Health

Blog of Olga Tzortzatou Nanopoulou, SI Representative to the United Nations in Geneva. From October 19th to 20th, the Beijing +30 Review for Civil Society in the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) region took place in Geneva. With a strong focus on the role of civil society, the


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