AI as a Tool for Mental Health Care

Blog of Rina Dupriet, SI UN Representative at UNESCO. In the ever-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI), the question of its relevance in mental health care has grown in significance. The French National Commission for UNESCO, in collaboration with the University of Paris Saclay, recently came together to address this

Introduction to 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence

Blog of Joe Mason, SI Advocacy and Communications Coordinator. Acknowledged around the world, 25 November 2023 marks the United Nation’s (UN) International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women as well as kickstarting the global 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence. During this period, our commitment to fostering

The Ethics of Neurotechnologies

Blog of Marie-Christine Gries, SI UN Representative at UNESCO.  Do we need a normative instrument for the ethics of neurotechnologies?  This is not a science-fiction novel, but rather the imminent emergence of new and serious questions of individual and collective ethical awareness and human rights.   Neurotechnologies are making rapid progress,

UNESCO General Conference: Ivory Coast Side Event

Blog of Marie-Christine Gries, SI UN Representative at UNESCO. A Coalition to Make Girls’ Voices Heard  In 2015, Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 by 2030 seemed unlikely with 130 million children out of school, over 60% of whom were girls, excluded from the school curriculum (due to non-enrolment and dropping

Gender equality, a force for tomorrow defended by UNESCO

Blog of Rina Dupriet, SI UN Representative at UNESCO. The global crises we have been witnessing for several years show us the extent to which we need to find structural solutions that allow us to build and shape sustainable and peaceful societies.  None of these interrelated crises can be solved

Ocean Sciences: A Pillar for Sustainable Sea Management

Blog of Rina Dupriet, SI UN Representative at UNESCO.  Our oceans, covering 71% of the world’s surface, play a pivotal role in sustaining life on Earth. They feed us, protect us and, critically, absorb more than 90% of the excess heat generated by global warming.   The oceans are an invaluable

Education for a Sustainable Future

Blog of Evelyne PARA, SI UN Representative at UNESCO. Education for Sustainable Development reorients education to empower learners of all ages to take action for environmental integrity, economic viability and a more equitable society. As part of the ongoing work on education for sustainable development, UNESCO organised a Side Event

Our voice heard at the 42nd UNESCO General Conference

Blog of Evelyne PARA, SI Representative at UNESCO During the general policy debate of the plenary session of 11 November 2024, chaired by Ms Simona-Mirela Miculescu, Ambassador of Romania and President-elect of the 42nd General Conference of UNESCO, I had the chance to have the floor and to speak on


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