New Paradigm for Women: Dignity Through Decent Work

Dawn Marie Lemonds blogs from Soroptimist International's CSW 66 Side Event: 'New Paradigm for Women: Dignity Through Decent Work', 18 March. "This side event focused on training and reforms that can make the world of work more fair, safe, and inclusive, allowing all workers to be valued for their contributions

CSW66 – Consultation Day

An initial reflection on the first days of the Sixty-Sixth Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW66) – by Wanda Price, SIA Representative member of the SI Global Impact Committee "The NGO CSW66 Forum kicked off with a great deal of anticipation and enthusiasm. Even though we

Education and gender stereotypes

Blog by Marie-Christine Gries, SI Representative at UNESCO, Paris. "Among the online events marking UNESCO on March 8, Women's Day, a webinar was held on the theme: “Smashing stereotypes: Challenging gender bias in and through education”. You can watch the full webinar here. The objective of this interactive webinar was

UNEP@50: Our Climate; Our Future!

By Mary Muia, SI United Nations Representative at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). "The United Nations Environment Assembly's Fifth Session (UNEA 5.2) doubles up as a perfect opportunity for the UNEP fifty years commemoration since its inception at the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment.  The Stockholm


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