Addressing the “new normal” in education

Blog by Marie-Christine Gries, SI UN Representative in Paris. "Facing the COVID crisis at school, UNESCO has launched the Global Education Coalition to support countries in scaling up their best distance learning practices and reaching children and youth who are most at risk. Never before have we witnessed educational disruption

Trafficking and The Girl Child

As part of Soroptimist International’s (SI’s) series of blogs discussing the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BPfA), SI United Nations (UN) Representative, Jacqueline Shapiro, examines the topic of the girl child, recalling the work by activists to insure the girl child was included in the BPfA, and that ensuring

International Day of Peace

“21 September marks the international day of peace. This year's theme is 'Shaping Peace Together’. Earlier this year, the UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterrez, called for a global ceasefire, encouraging Member States to silence the guns and focus efforts on fighting the pandemic. Whilst this speech was well-received by all, it

Women & the Economy

By Assistant Director Advocacy, Ulla Madsen Taken as a starting point in the “Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action” (1995), “women and economy” was highlighted as one of the 12 critical areas. The 189 governments that signed the document, committed themselves to undertaking concrete action to address specific objectives towards enhancing


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