International Literacy Day

International Literacy Day is 8 September and this year focuses on 'Literacy teaching and learning in the COVID-19 crisis and beyond', highlighting literacy learning from a lifelong learning perspective. Here, we review this topic beginning with two excellent recent articles written by SI UN Representative, Paris, Evelyne Para. 1. A

Sustainable Cities and COVID-19: Plans for Action

"Last month, Soroptimist International participated in the High-Level Political Forum Parallel Dialogue ‘Sustainable Cities and COVID-19: Plans for Action’, which was organised by the Urban Cluster (NGO Major Group). This event was orchestrated to facilitate a lively dialogue focussing on how the effective implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Older Women on the SI Road to Equality

Frances Zainoeddin, SI UN Representative in New York asks: At what age is a woman no longer economically viable? At what age is a woman considered of no consequence and of no value? At what age should a woman not receive education and training? At what age should a woman

World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

30 July is World Day Against Trafficking in Persons. SI UN Representative, Jacqueline Shapiro reflects on the impact that COVID-19 is having on the urgent issue of human trafficking. "With the primary attention of countries and communities everywhere focused on containing the health and economic crises of the COVID-19 pandemic,

Transformative Pathways to a Sustainable Future

Maria Fornella-Oehninger, SI UN Representative in New York, blogs about the International Science Council's High-level Political Forum Side Event, 'Designing and implementing integrated, context-sensitive and attainable pathways toward achieving transformation'. "Six scientists shared their analysis of how to create pathways to transform economies and societies to achieve sustainability in the


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