Born a girl

SI UN Representative, Paris, Evelyne Para, reports. "Today, we are more than 7.7 billion people all over the world. For cultural, economic or social reasons, men are more and more numerous, to the detriment of women. In some parts of the world, it is not good to be a woman,

UN Human Rights Council 42: Women & Addictions

SI UN Representative in Geneva, Berthe De Vos, attends the United Nations Human Rights Council 42: ‘Women and Addiction’ panel discussion, and considers the issues surrounding women and addiction and the provision of their human rights. “This debate was in collaboration with Dianova International, an NGO engaged in addiction treatment

Day of the Girl – Unscripted and Unstoppable

Today is the #DayofTheGirl. Read a wonderful blog by Sarah Cowley - her thoughts on today and her experience being part of Soroptimist International *Originally written for SI Moreton North Inc. Special thanks to Sarah and Chris Knight of Soroptimist International South West Pacific for sharing this blog with us.

Civil Society Forum – Stakeholder Group on Ageing

The Civil Society Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Forum, held during the General Assembly and organised by the Major Groups and other Stakeholders (MGoS) High Level Political Forum (HLPF) Coordinating Mechanism, creates a space for dialogue between civil society and UN Member States, together with international and regional organisations and constituencies.

Widows and Conflict-Related Situations

A blog by Berthe De Vos, SI UN Representative in Geneva, "Earlier this week, I attended the UN Human Rights Council 42: 'Widows and Conflict-related Situations' panel discussion moderated by Ms. Lois Herman, Managing Director WUNRN, Women’s UN Report Network. Initially, I felt saddened by the lack of interest from


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