CSW Do we make a difference?

A blog by Pat Black "I have been challenged several times at this CSW on why are we here? What are we doing to create or generate change? These are exactly the questions I asked when I first started attending CSW many years ago. Thousands of women and a few

An Inspiring Story and a Cautionary Tale

A blog by SI UN Representative, New York, Marie D'Amato-Rizzi Social Protection Systems and Access to Public Services in the Fight against Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery "During this CSW side event, two panelists really caught my attention.  The first was inspiring; the second was an eye-opener. Photo: SI UN

CSW63 – A Life-Changing Adventure!

A blog by Sue Simpson –SI of Oceanside-Carlsbad  "Our adventure in NYC at the CSW63 began Saturday March 9th, meeting SIOC friendship links club SI Kisumu’s member Dolphine Anyango.  Dophine, Teri, Sue and Michelle became fast friends on an amazing adventure in NYC advocating for the advancement of women and

The Definition of Empowerment in the Context of Agenda 2030

A blog by Ogechi Pepsie Adiukwu "The CSW parallel event on the definition of empowerment in the context of Agenda 2030 was an enlightening event with a vast amount of information and enthusiasm, chaired by Zarin Hainsworth, co-founder ADVANCE. Photo: Ogechi Pepsie Adiukwu (left) The speakers employed a combination of

Women and Customary and Informal Justice – CSW63

A blog by Pat Black "I took a huge leap forward in my learning thanks to an interesting and diverse panel of lawyers and researchers on behalf of the International Development Law Organization (IDLO) who took us through WOMEN AND CUSTOMARY AND INFORMAL JUSTICE. The event was billed to provide

An interesting day at CSW – full of hope and despair

CSW63 - Tuesday 19th March, 2019, a blog by Sylvia Rose-Ann Walker, Ph.D SIGBI Daily NGO Briefing: "The day began on a hopeful note with the declaration by Ms. Koki Muli Crignon of Kenya, the Facilitator of the Agreed Conclusions, that she has "ïncredible faith" in the process which will

A Global Voice for Women – Lifting Women out of Poverty

On 14 March, the Soroptimist International Federations of Soroptimist International of Europe; Soroptimist International of Great Britain and Ireland; Soroptimist International of South West Pacific and Soroptimist International of Americas, joined together to deliver the event: 'Lifting Women out of Poverty through Lifelong Learning'. Quality education for women and girls


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