Addressing Menstrual Hygiene Management

Blog by Mary Muia, SI UN Representative Nairobi The Fourth UN Environment Assembly (UNEA 4) Side Event on Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) dialogue was organised by Women Major Group (WMG) and co-hosted by Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF) on Wednesday 13th March. Equipped with knowledge and evidence provided by SI grassroots projects,


A blog by Dr. Achina Kundu, President Elect of National Association of Soroptimist International (NASI) of India, 2018-2020, member of Soroptimist International of Calcutta "I had the opportunity to be a panellist and speak at an event on ‘Civil Society and Gender Empowerment – Ensuring Robust Spaces for Civil Society

Pushing back against the push back

A blog by Ayushi Kundu, Soroptimist International of Calcutta "The highlight of CSW63 for me so far has been attending the Town Hall Meeting of Civil Societies and to hear United Nations Secretary General António Guterres speak for the first time. This was a main event on day two of

Addressing Gender in Migration

The morning of Monday 11 March, saw the first of several events organised, or co-organised by Soroptimist International, to be held over the coming two weeks, at the Commission on the Status of Women Sixty-third session. Organised by Pan Pacific and SouthEast Asia Women's Association (PPSEAWA) and Soroptimist International (SI),

Vocational Training of Women: an excellent investment

11 March saw the event 'Vocational training of women: an excellent investment' sponsored by Soroptimist International of Europe (SIE) and co-sponsored by Women for Water Partnership (WfWP), Business and Professional Women (BPW) and Soroptimist International (SI). Photo: Panelists at the event Vocational Training of Women: an excellent investment Access to

CSW NGO Briefing 13 March

Susan O’Malley Chair of NGO CSW opens the briefing. Speakers: Andrew Gilmour, Assistant Secretary for Human Rights, OHCHR, NY Åsa Regnér, UN Women Lina Abu Habib, NGO CSW/Arab/MENA Haydee, Women’s Human Rights Defender   Asa Regnér spoke of engaging with civil society and plans for a Global Forum for NGOs.

CSW63 – The Women’s Political Leaders Global Forum

A blog by Linda Witong, Special Advisor to Advocacy "On 11 March 2019, I attended a fascinating seminar hosted by the Women’s Political Leaders Global Forum. Leaders were there as attendees and speakers representing every aspect of the global business and political community.  Their message was loud and clear. To quote


A blog by Margaret Clark NGO CSW63 New York Consultation Day "An early start on a crisp cold morning brought us to the NGO CSW63 New York Consultation Day. It was a great start to the days ahead, meeting women from throughout the world, all with like-minded passion and determination

CSW63 Opening Session

A blog by Kay Richmond "This has been the opening day of CSW63, a busy one as usual. I attended the opening session, chaired by the Ambassador of Ireland. A minute’s silence was observed for the 21 UN personnel who perished in the Ethiopian air crash. Photo: Geraldine Byrne Nason,


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