I want to build a school

I want to build a school. A blog by Sian Kent, SI Bangor and District in North Wales. “I want to build a school" – these were words spoken by Albert Mwansa (a local teacher), as he stood on a bare hill overlooking the village of Mkushi in Central Province,

Is Wonder Woman really that wonderful?

Is Wonder Woman really that wonderful? Blog by SI UN Representative Bette Levy. “Everybody got really fired up following the startling announcement from the UN which came right on the heels of the appointment of Mr Guterres as Secretary-General, that Wonder Woman was to be named the Honorary Ambassador of

International Day of Older Persons

International Day of Older Persons Blog by SI UN Representative Sabine Kinzer “1 October, the 2016 United Nations International Day of Older Persons (UNIDOP) will take a stand against ageism by drawing attention to and challenging negative stereotypes and misconceptions about older persons and ageing. In Geneva, this day will be
Poverty is Sexist

Poverty is Sexist

Poverty is Sexist. A blog by SI Interns New York, Olivia Lin and Maria Pilar Gallardo “On Friday September 23, we attended the meeting, 'Leaving no one behind: Agents of change for achieving Goal 5 and the 2030 Agenda', which was organised by the Mission of Canada at the United
Rethink Media

The Influence of Media on Society Rethink Media

The Influence of Media on Society Rethink Media. A blog by SI UN Intern Aleksandra Aultman (Sasha) "On Thursday, October 6th I had an opportunity to attend the United Nations High-Level Seminar, 'The Influence of Media on Society', #rethinkMedia. The event was led by guest speakers: Ambassador David Donoghue, Permanent Representative


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