Donate to the SI President’s Appeal 2021-2023

Thank you for visiting this page. Donations to the 2019-2021 Appeal, "Road to Equality" close 30 September 2021. Donations for the NEW 2021-2023 President's Appeal "Opening Doors to a Bright Future" can be accepted as of 1 October 2021. Member donations to the SI President's Appeal will be transferred to

Making Masks On the Road to Equality

Soroptimists around the world have leapt into action in light of the global pandemic, supporting local communities and those facing increased physical, mental, and financial challenge. The very inequalities addressed in The Road to Equality SI President's Appeal are exacerbated by the pandemic. We are witnessing increasing threats to the

Protecting women and girls in Sierra Leone to #ENDFM

Rugiatu Neneh Koroma (Turay), SI Road to Equality Soroptimist Six activist, founder and Executive Director of the Amazonian Initiative Movement (AIM), organised two events in recognition of International Women's Day 2020, to spread awareness amongst communities and take a stand against Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). A Symposium 'Men take action

Introducing Ayo – Soroptimists Supporting Youth Activism to End FGM & Child Marriage #16days

Soroptimist International is delighted to introduce you to Ayodeji Bello, an ambitious and accomplished young woman, and one of our SI Road to Equality #SoroptimistSix. So vital on our Road to Equality - your support of the President's Appeal, 2019-2021 will empower Ayo and others in their work within their


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