Why We Love Convention!

Interview with Marlène van Benthem, Soroptimist Lab Developer 2017-2019, Past Programme Director of  Union of the Netherlands and of SIE Photo: Alice Wells and Marlène van Benthem at the SI Convention In Istanbul in 2015 How many Soroptimist International (SI) Conventions have you attended during your Soroptimist career and which

Summary of SI (Soroptimist International) Limited eBoard Meeting, May 2019

Authored by Company Secretary/Global Executive Director, Deborah Thomas Soroptimist International recently held its quarterly board meeting with SI President Mariet Verhoef-Cohen Chairing. Directors welcomed Wendy Logan from SISWP to her first SI board meeting; Wendy has recently been appointed as a Director of the company. Minutes of the two previous

SI Conventions – A MUST FOR ME!

by Dawn Marie Lemonds - SI Board member "MELBOURNE, NOTTINGHAM, SAN FRANCISCO, HELSINKI, SYDNEY, GLASCOW, MONTREAL, ISTANBUL, KUALA LUMPUR…… What a lucky lucky Soroptimist I am to have made the commitment in MY Soroptimist Journey to attend every International Convention since 1987!   MY MAP- because of Soroptimists- has many

Why We Love Convention!

by Karen Cromer Johnson, SI Twin Cities, Minnesota, USA "I love to go to International Soroptimist Conventions. I went to my first one in 2003 in Sydney, Australia and have been hooked ever since. I remember seeing women with these large, beautiful gold chains of office. I thought they must be

Join the SI 2019 Annual General Meeting

On behalf of the Authorised Representatives and Board of Soroptimist International we would like to extend an invitation to you to join us for our 2019 Annual General Meeting. The meeting is being held on Thursday 18 July, commencing at 2pm in the Impiana Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. Cost per delegate

Your Voice at the United Nations

This edition of ‘Your Voice at the United Nations’ includes articles relating to Human Rights history and frameworks, and the 1st World Summit on Leaving No-One Behind. ‘Girl’s Rights and Human Rights Frameworks’ This year is the 70th anniversary of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. When Thomas


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