Soroptimist International joins Women for Water Partnership

“When we bring our expertise and resources together, we become a powerful force for progress”. UN Women Soroptimist International is delighted to announce its membership of Women for Water Partnership (WfWP). Joining the partnership together with other influential organisations such as International Federation of Business and Professional Women (BPW), Women

CEDAW the 66th Session

CEDAW - Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, 66th Session, will be taking place from 13 February to 3 March 2017 at the United Nations offices in Geneva. SI UN Representatives Wilfrida Hendrickx and Sabine Kinzer will be in attendance and follow the sessions on

SI Training Webinar – CSW61

Anusha Santhirasthipam, SISWP President Elect / SI Director and Member of the SI Leadership Development Committee and SI Advocacy Committee, is to host two live Webinar Training sessions, intended for Soroptimist International delegates of CSW61, and all Soroptimists interested in advocacy, government engagement, networking and policy lobby work at the

SI President-Elect speaks at ‘Safeguarding the Environment and Sustainable use of Water Resources’.

ACUNS Vienna-UN Annual Conference 'Implementing the 2030 Agenda: A New Vision for Development – The Contributions of UN Vienna-based Organizations', took place 17-19 January 2017. Hosted by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the conference brought together major-stakeholders, including the diplomatic community, academics and civil society organisations

SI Announces Assistant Director of Advocacy 2017-19

Soroptimist International President, Yvonne Simpson says: “On behalf of the Soroptimist International Board of Directors I am delighted to announce the appointment of Hafdís Karlsdóttir as the SI Assistant Director of Advocacy for the next biennium 2017 – 2019.  Soroptimist International believes succession planning and mentoring are excellent tools for


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