Soroptimist International Conference on the Future Federation of Africa

Ann Garvie, Soroptimist International Immediate Past President 2013-2015, brings news of the Conference on the Future Federation of Africa, held in Madagascar on 17- 19 March 2016, the second all African meeting, following the event held two years ago in Pretoria, South Africa.     Image: SIE Immediate Past President

Eliminating Violence Against Women & Girls: CSW60 Oral Statement Released

Violence against women and girls is a fundamental human rights violation being committed on a pandemic scale. This year the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW60) will focus on two themes, with one being ‘the elimination and prevention of all forms of violence against women and girls’.  Soroptimist International,

SI UN Representative Elected Chair of NGO CSW Vienna

Soroptimist International congratulates Martina Gredler on being elected Chair of NGO CSW Vienna. This wonderful achievement acknowledges Martina’s dedicated work representing SI at the United Nations in Vienna since 2011. International Director of Advocacy Pat Black shares her congratulatory message: “Through Soroptimist International we know that Martina is an extremely

Announcing Mariet Verhoef-Cohen as new SI President Elect

"Soroptimist International President Yvonne Simpson is delighted to announce that the new President Elect for Soroptimist International is Mariet Verhoef-Cohen, Past President of SI Europe. Mariet brings passion and a tremendous amount of experience in advocacy work that will assist SI in being a Global Voice for Women. We welcome

How to Achieve Universal Social Development – Statement Release

Soroptimist International and the International Federation of Business and Professional Women have released a statement focusing on the importance of social development as central to sustainable development. Combined, these two organisations represent the views of over 100,000 women worldwide and unite around the principle of empowering and enabling women in

SI welcomes Sharon Fisher as Assistant International Director of Advocacy

"It is with great pleasure that Soroptimist International announces the successful candidate for our Assistant Director of Advocacy. Sharon Fisher, from SI of the Americas, brings an excellent  mix of passion, experience and skills to the position. She will lead the team responsible for the SI President's Appeal and oversee

The UN Turns 70! – Open Day at the UN Geneva

In celebration of the UN’s 70th anniversary, the UN Office in Geneva hosted an open day. Banners outside the UN read ‘Let’s Celebrate Together’, inviting the public to be a part of the festivities, giving an opportunity to see inside the UN buildings and learn more about what the UN


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