SI Club Projects October 2014

Click on the image above to view photographs of Club Projects SI Pune Metro East, India.  In an effort to increase access to formal and non-formal learning opportunities, Soroptimist International Pune Metro East, India recently worked in partnership with the Deep Griha Society, Pune, to design modules to impart life

Beijing+20: What is it all about?

Beijing +20 is a phrase Soroptimists will have heard more and more in recent months and it is going to be a key issue leading up to the 59th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW59), which will happen in March 2015 in New York. But what

The Background and Context of the Post-2015 Development Agenda

The Millennium Development Goals The Post-2015 Development Agenda will follow on from the Millennium Development Goals. The Millennium Development Goals have a target date of 2015; this is when they are meant to be achieved by. The 8 Millennium Development Goals are: 1. Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger 2. Achieve

International Club Friendship Day – President's Message October 3rd 2014

 Soroptimist International President Ann Garvie has urged Soroptimists to put friendship at the heart of their work for women and girls, emphasising the importance of Friendship Links between clubs. Each 3rd October, Soroptimist International celebrates the day that the very first Soroptimist Club was established in Oakland, California in 1921,

Empowering Women, Empowering Humanity: SI Invited to UN Ministerial Panel

At a UN ministerial panel, Soroptimist International UN Representative Bette Levy, heard first-hand about the challenges facing the creation of a new development agenda that properly provides for the needs of women and girls. Soroptimists know that women’s empowerment is key to achieving gender equality. This was discussed at a

Advocacy Roundup: SI UN Reps Help Give a Global Voice to Women and Girls

NGO-UNESCO Forum on Access to Water for All – Soroptimists give a global voice to women! At an NGO- UNESCO Forum on access for water for all, Soroptimists were out in force! Marie-Christine Gries de La Barbelais, one of SI’s UN Representatives in Paris, was heavily involved in organising the

UN Climate Change Summit: Soroptimists Take Action!

Soroptimists, NGOs and individuals join together at the People's Climate March. Their united voice calls on country leaders to take action against climate change at this week's UN Climate Summit.  UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon is hosting a Climate Summit today, to engage global leaders and to advance action on

Peace and tolerance: The roots are in your community, the opportunities in our hands – President Ann’s Peace Day Message

In a message to Soroptimists and supporters for International Day of Peace on 21st September, International President Ann Garvie has urged Soroptimists to promote peace and tolerance in their communities, while influencing decision-makers worldwide to end conflict and violence. Read President Ann's full message below. PEACE… “It does not mean


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