Womens Rights are Human Rights: Tackling Violence in all its forms

  December 10 is a date with three-fold significance for Soroptimist International:  it is Human Rights Day, it marks the end of 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Violence, and it sees the launch of the Soroptimist International President's Appeal.  This is no coincidence.  In this week's SoroptiVoice blog, SI Programme

A Global Voice for Women – Global Impact Report 2012-13

  In this week's SoroptiVoice blog, International Programme Director Hilary Ratcliffe introduces the SI Global Impact Report 2012-13, launched today. Read the report at: www.soroptimistinternational.org/impact  We are a Global Voice for women and girls and this Global Impact Report demonstrates and showcases our voice. Through over 80,000 of our club

SIGBI Conference: 1200 Soroptimists Make a Big Red Splash in Gateshead

On 1-2 November, Soroptimist International Great Britain and Ireland (SIGBI) Federation's Annual Conference brought together 1200 Soroptimists from 29 countries in Newcastle/Gateshead, UK. In this week's SoroptiVoice blog, SIGBI President Pat Black and former Communications Director Jane Slatter report from the Conference. For full reports visit www.sigbi.org/gateshead2013.   The annual

Innovate 2 Educate: Breaking down Barriers to Girls' Education

  In this week's SoroptiVoice blog, New York UN Rep Paulette Forbes-Igharo reports from an event for International Day of the Girl Child, looking at barriers to girls' education and how they can be overcome. She explores ways that Soroptimist clubs can contribute, particularly in promoting and supporting technical education

Soroptimist UN Representatives: Making our Voice Heard

  October 24 is United Nations Day. In this SoroptiVoice blog, Soroptimist International Assistant Programme Director Caroline Leach writes about the work of SI's UN Representatives, volunteers who ensure that the voices of 80,000 Soroptimists are heard at the major UN Centres. I am proud and honored to be a

Speaking out for rural women..and taking action

Image: Woman carrying coffee in Timor Leste - UN Photo/Martine Perret 15th October was International Day of Rural Women; a few days before, Geneva UN Representative Sina Stiffler attended a UN event examining the major problems faced by many rural women, where she presented an oral statement on behalf of

Open Hearts, Open Doors – Broadening Girls' Horizons

  Today on International Day of the Girl, our SoroptiVoice blog comes from 17 year-old Teresa and her godmother,  Anna Elisabeth Mueller, a Soroptimist from Lienz in Austria. Educating and empowering girls is not just about helping them fulfil their academic potential; Soroptimists are also committed to offering non-formal learning


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